jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Thank You Lord.

After worry about two days, finally i manage to finish the task that given by Lia. Initially i was so worried about tha fax problem. Last time I never appreciate the fax machine at home..ha, use that fax machine as normal telephone,and i thought i will never use it hence dad gave away the fax machine to church. Should i say gave away? or return back to God, everything we have are belong to Him. These  two days i just pray about the fax since i thought the fax machine has been given to dad's friend. I check through internet whether fax service is available in penang. I was lost the idea to get the fax machine and the only way is to go Uncle Kew Beng's Office and fax. But i didnt know the way to his office moreover dad quite busy that he dont have time to show me the way. Thank God, in the evening mum told me that the fax machine was given to church and i can use it by inform aunty Foong Mei. a great news for me. Somehow after settle this problem i worried about the staff in the usm. This is because they are not so friendly as i collected BM version letter on Wednesday. The most make me headache is whether the staff still remember what they have promise me. But everything seen redundantly for me to worry about. This morning I met two staff who are so friendly and willing to help. Everything just went smooth. After collect the letter i went to church for faxing. However after a few hour later Lia told me that her friend didnt get the fax. I was so worried and disappointed. Finally i still cant help her. Is like someone put his/her faith to me and i have broke it. Haiz..
About one hour later, i get a message from Lia. She told me that her friend just receive the fax. Haha..I dint break her faith to me. Thank God. He likes to give me the surprise at the eleventh hour. From this task I know God is working. Even though i did pray, I dint really expect something happen since I used to do something that hurts Him. Sorry Lord, and thank you for Your unfailling love and abundant grace.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A call from my dearest sis

Just end a call with a sis..It was a warm and reminder call. We chat everything we can. The funny part I found out was we will make an apointment with each other before we call. And I will make sure my spiritual life is good before I call her. It became a routine.

For so long I din't really chat with someone neither have mood to do so. When I at home, i will be a dumb and so enjoy to do my own thing, though I know it is unhealthy. However, I used to feel guilty in the late night as I din't really spend time with family during this holiday. Everytime I tell myself that I will spend time with them on the next day but always fail. Haiz..hopefully tomorrow I won't repeat the same mistake.