jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Favor and grace that last a lifetime

romans 8:32- journal of nichole tan sze-lyn

There is a song in every silence
There is a dawn in every darkness
There is a hope in every pain
There is a spring in every winter
Even in doubt there is believing
Through every season Your are near

You satisfy our deepest hunger
You broke the bond and set us free
You gave us life eternally
Jesus the name that calms our fears
Only in You our sorrows cease
Your love has won and now we see

Oh Your favor and Your grace, Lord
Last a lifetime
Last a lifetime

You are faithful
You are faithful 

Music speak when words fail. Daddy, thanks for creating music.
There are needs and changes in every seasons of life but Your love has won it all.

I'm amazed as i looked at the past...
Though there were countless of failure, mistake and regrets
Many were due to my own wisdom and prides
And yet it did not make You stop loving me

Through the past I've seen You carry me when I was weak
You hug me when I was hurt and doubt about Your love
You were my only listener when I was too proud to confess my real feeling to anyone,even to myself

In Your eye I'm the most precious one
Even sometime the situation does not make me feel that You were with me nor love me

Feeling can be deceiving but the truth can never be shaken
You did not spare Your son but gave Him up all for me
I was purchased by Your beloved son's blood
This is the most solid proof of Your love towards me

Forgive me when I lost my patience during waiting
Forgive me as I'm a short sighted
Forgive me as i only have little faith
And yet Your grace is sufficient for me
These incomprehension love and grace give me the boldness come into Your presence even when I failed

Now I have the confident to hope and to expect the most blessed future belong to me
Simply because Your favor and grace last a lifetime