jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kota Kinabalu Trip (Padas Water Rafting)

Padas river is located in the interior of the sourthern part of Kota Kinabalu that is only accessible by train. Basically,  a white water rafting paddler needs to sign a life certificate as this river is class as grade 4 river. (grade 4 river is actually the highest and most extreme grade for non-trained paddlers)
Simon is the photographer
It all started with 7 USM Engineering brave survivors who boarded a van from Kota Kinabalu and transit at the Beaufort train station to board an old British Colonial steam train named Thomas.
 Having KFC as lunch at Tenom Town.

Thomas is the oldest train in Borneo and its’ railway track is just along the padas river. We were told by our guide, JJ that this water rafting covers a distance of 10km that holds 7 exciting and tough rapids. These rapids carries amusing names such as Merry Go Round, Break Point, Scooby Doo, Cobra, Curve, Lambada and Head Hunter. Each rapid will give us the feel of the motion as what the name means.

After going through the first rapid, my heart started to beat very fast. I told myself that there is no turning back. The only thing i can do is to listen to the instructions. So as our guide-JJ bellowed: “ Everybody, paddle harder!”, all of us did so without thinking. Well, everything went well until we met Washing Machine. Before we meet the Washing Machine, JJ already warned us that she’s quite cruel. So we paddled even harder and harder. Then...we saw her. Standing there arrogantly, almost tall like our lembaran hostel. I just stared at her, my mouth open wide and my paddle stand still. The very Next second, i felt a thud on my head...then whoooosh! There was darkness and i heard “brrr...brrr..” as i realised i was totally submerged in the water and being push down by the current. At that moment, i had no control of my body. I was struggling and tried to grab something around me. Unfortunately, all I could grab were paddles. For a moment, i felt an extreme *(calmless) that i have never experienced before. I could remember JJ telling us during the safety briefing that “ if your boat capsizes, and you are drowning,dont panic. Keep calm and just let your body float. However, theory and practical are two different things for me at that moment.

After struggling for sometime, i decided to surrender. However it just took place for a few seconds as an inner voice shouted at me: NIC, how can you die at such a young age? There are so many thing in this world waiting for you to accomplish. I told myself, need to help yourself out from this. Finally I managed to catch the life line but at the very next second i heard JJ shouting loudly asking us to let go of the life line as they wanted to over turn the boat to the normal position. Hearing that, I just let go and in the mean time i managed to catch a breather. Then I heard a familiar voice. My friend, Janice was crying. I was estatic at this point as this indicates that i’m not alone anymore! I was the third person who was pulled back into the boat. We were all feeling panic and held on to the life line. So it took quite some time to overturn the boat. And we actually passed through the fourth rapid as well which was the Merry-go-round. Simon and Jason were far behind the boat and we only managed to retrieve 3 paddles back in the boat. This was insane! All we know at that time was to save the two and to get back the rest of the paddles. After everyone got back to the boat, we were scolded because we didn't follow instructions by not letting go of the life line at once. That experience taught us to paddle in the right way for the rest of the journey but also terrified us. Then he told us that there are another few more big rapids which might cause our boat to overturn again. Oh no God, please don’t let this happen again. I prayed to God. After passing through the break point, we met Cobra which is the most extreme rapid in Padas river. At one moment, i could feel that our boat was literally flying in the air. Everyone shouted like crazy..God please help us..come on dude we can do it.. and at the same time we paddled with all our strength.  When everyone was united it overcame our fears ...Yahooo! we managed to do it. Then he told us if our boat overturns in the Cobra rapid and we are trapped by the current, we might keep turning there if we do not know how to come out. Crazy man.. Shock of my life..Thankfully, After the Cobra rapid, the rest are just mild ones. 

JJ, our water rafting guide
Wow, it was wet and wild! Two hours passed by quickly and our hearts were still pounding when we alighted from our raft. Rafting in raging waters is no laughing matter. My heart literary “stopped” when I tried to picture the two big drops along the river. Anyway i thank God for His protection and also for giving us the chance to experience capsizing during white water rafting. ..It would be utterly if our boat had not overturn..If you ask me have I conquered my fear towards water? Not really. Will I do it again? Maybe, just maybe.

Mount KK

After cough for more than two week, mister Ashma came to visit me on the fourth day of KK trip. Mum and dad keep on warned me not to risk me life for climbing mount KK. It was hard to me to give up as i have gone through months training for this trip.
I guess mum pray very hard, I had to give up at the third station. Well, maybe this is not meant for me and at least i had tried my best. I had to learn accept it. Great to hear that five of them manage to reach the peak on time.
On the sixth day, mister Ashma leave me! Arghh..if he could leave me two days before, maybe i manage to make it for the climbing. Haiz..since all my friends were stull on KK mount, i spend my own sweet time to explore kk city.
One of the street taylor at Filipino Market
Yummy beef noodles
Shi Liang (yeeting's relative) at One Borneo. By far, One Borneo is the biggest mall in Borneo.
Artificial Raffesia in One Borneo
KK Hill, where we can see whole kk town from here.
Since they have yet to come back, i decided to took a taxi to Tanjung Aru beach.
Having yummy roasted chicken wing and coconut drink on beach.

Kota Kinabalu Trip (KK City)

We stayed the rest of our five day in this Hostel. Here we met a few backpackers from European country. They were cool and cute as well. Overall this hostel provide a very good service, reasonable price, cozy and the location is in center of KK city. Well recommended.
We spend our third day at Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park which took 20 minutes speed boat from KK city. Due to time constraint, we managed to visit two island, Sapi Island and Manukan Island. We just spend a little time in Sapi Island as it is not much thing to do on the island.

On Our way to Manukan Island :)
Roasted chicken wing by five star chief.
Manukan Island
Manukan Island Jetty.
In the evening, we met up Fun Kee in KK city. It has been quite a long time never meet up with him since industry training in IJM.
Before meet up with Fun Kee, I managed to taste one of a malay noodle which i never heard the name before in penisular malaysia. I just cant forget the taste. thumb up !
We met Fun Kee and his girl friend at about 9pm. As a "local", he recommended a few good foods in KK. One of them is fried dumpling. This is the best fried dumpling i have ever try before.
UMS Jetty
Since Fun Kee is from UMS, we managed to visit this 5 stars university. As known, this is the most beautiful university in whole Malaysia. The reason is the university is just beside beach. Stundent may have beach life in their uni life. How come we only have abandoned lake in our campus. Authority claimed USM as APEX uni, we really doubt at this title...

Kota Kinabalu Trip (Kudat)

Before it is too old to do anything, seven of us decided to take the challege of Mount KK climbing and Padas Water rafting. In addition, this trip has been consider as our farewell trip. Since yeeting, my dearest room mate is from kudat, Sabah. Hence, we spend our first two days in Kudat.
Half of us were sick in Kudat
We took about three hours journey from airport to Kudat. Along the journey, everyone were so hungry. We thought that journey to kudat just take about 1 hour. Everyone spare the stomach for seafood in Kudat. Sweat! By the time we reach there is about 9something. Upon on our arrival, we were treated a great seafood meal by yeeting and her friends. Too bad, due to extreme training and hectic days, i was so sick to enjoy the meal.
Tip Of Borneo is located 40km to the northwest of Kudat town. The tip is the meeting point of Sulu and South China Sea. This place is quite popular among tourists.
A bunch of people acting cool on the tip. Well, I would said we are kind of shiok sendiri person.

 Posting at The Tip Of Borneo landmark with yeeting and her friendly gang.
After the Tip of Borneo, yeeting brought us to a so called mysterious beach which she claimed that it was her childhood favourite beach. I found this picture from one of the website. What i can say is this is really the best beach i been before. The beach is in the interior part of Kudat, only local people knew about the existence of the beach. Hence, it is quite clean and quiet.
This was my first time to "walk' on the water. Haha..As shown, in between the main land and small island, there is a narrow sand beach. We tried to walk to the small island on the sand beach. To our amazed, left side of the water is cool and another side is warm. When the both side water meet together, the temperature of water is just nice. Amazing !
the small island
Sand walk which connected the main land to the small island.