jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Last hour of 26th

Soon it will be the nineth year of her death and so to my big day. I still remember i got her death news from a friend. It was too sudden as she was killed in an accident. Life is fragile and unpredictable. Once I was regreted for not doing thing that I suppose to do for her. Too late is the most scary word in life. Learn to cherish those who are still alive.

>>Cherr, thanks for the encouragements and gift which instilled my confident in those days!

>>The Author of Life, thanks for crushing Jesus for us. I find hope in Your finished work !
     Lord, life is vain without You.

>>Happy Birthday :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kocha Taiwanese Delight >>Ferry Ride >> Dreaming at Autocity

One of my greatest blessing in Penang is about them- Priscilla, Jocelyn, Evelyn and Ruby. We know each other since we were Form 1. Since then, we love to hang out together, doing thing together, gossip together, etc. At once, we lost track of each other. Especially during uni. Different uni and everyone was busy with their own life. We could only get closer when everyone came back to Penang. It happen after our graduation and also my move to Penang. Kinda perasan..hei..actually I'm the driver since Form 5. This practice never change though some of them do own a car right now. Anyway, I do love to drive them around. It is a blessing indeed.
Friday night. Food hunting night. This week, we went to Kocha Taiwanese Delight. Well recommended by Priscilla. I love the atmosphere and the decoration. It seem like having dinner in one of Taiper restaurant. Typical chinese decoration. Besides order dinner set, we do order some snack to sactisfy our fresh desire.
Beef Noodles Set- could be better if it is spicy
Seafood Noodles- since like Ruby love fishball alot.

Spare Ribs Noodles
Dumpling Noodles Set
Iron Egg- Apparently this is mild steel egg, not really hard. Just nice for us.
Fried mini bun (chinese bun) - nice, we order two for this.
Seafood Roll
Fried Tofu - It could be better if they make it into smaller pieces
Funny mug @_@
Overall the food and atmosphere are good. Reasonable price. To my shock, the boss is a taiwanese. No wonder the way  they shout " huan ying guang lin" sound so familiar.

This week, Jocelyn baked us some chinese new year cookies. Next week will be Evelyn. which means in two weeks time I have to prepare something for them also. Stress man !
Jocelyn ,the chemist proudly brought us cornflakes cookies !! Thumb up !
After dinner, it was about 1030pm. Too early for us to go back, hence someone came out an idea-ferry ride.
Princess Ferry

We got nothing better to do besides posting around
Upper deck of ferry
Once we parked our car at lower deck, everyone seem rushing for "natural call". Since there is one washroom for female, we had to take turn. When it came to my turn, ferry was approching mainland. Everyone is ready in their car. We were so hurry to get in our car because our car parked at the second row. The ride took less than 15minutes ! Since when our ferry turn to high speed ferry ?!

Go Dutch, ruby is doing calculation for our bill.
After the ride, we decided to go Autocity for a drink. By the time we reach there was about 1am. Most of the shops were closed. We end up at "Dream" since it will close at 3am.
Lengthy calculation huh ?!

Since it was Thaipussam, i have myself a Pina Colada.
What a spontaneous night. Lord, thanks for the programs and friendship :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

More Patience, please

Strait Quay after dinner
 After form six, it has been about 5-6 years I have not staying with family. I loved my family but sometime I just couldnt stand the nagging, noise etc. Mum is a very orientated woman. Everything has be in her schedule. She talks a lot. I guess she is a typical woman. According to scientist survey, a woman needs to release about 30,000 words per day. She hits the quota everyday. This is my fifth months at home. But still im not used with it. Intended to move for a few times. But this is not my initial plan to move back Penang. Lord, grant me strength and patience.

Monday, January 17, 2011

a solid peace

Thanks for recall. After reading Lia's mail, I told myself to note down this experince. It was not to boast about my victory or courage, just simply grateful and glorify His name. From the conversation with Lia, she had sense the different of me. 

Well, what's she said was true. Through the surgery, I have experienced His faithfulness and providence. Friends and doctor were wonder about my courage to to make the decision on the spot even though at that moment my family member were not around. They came to visit me after two hours of my op. Doctor keep on apologize with me as he want to op me on our first meet. We met less than 5 minutes.! It's all about trust to my God. No doubts. I still remember as the attendents push me to op room, along the way,the only person i can think of is Jesus. My heart keep on shout at His name. As i reached the op room, nurses asking whether I'm scare, I said no. Because I really can feel the was so true and solid. 

Lord, I know it was You who gave me the peace even before I met the doctor. WIthout  Your presence, I will not be so calm. Thank You. Indeed Lord, You are faithful. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

3rd nite

Tonite is my 3rd nite in hospital.this will be my most memorable new year.i shall never imagine having myself an operation during my last day of 2010.while everyone is excited with countdown,i have myself in hospital,pluck with few tubes. 
But i really thank God for His protection and accompany.thanks for not have it while im in kl or taipei.thanks for not having during my uni.thanks for ur present while im in operation room.thanks for having a thought to hospital for a check.thanks for guiding those doctor and operate for me.thanks for keeping me from pain after surgery.
how grateful am i to know You as my heavenly Father.thanks
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