jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Career 's T-Junction

All things work togther for our benefits. How wonderful and mighty is my God. Sometime it is hard to understand God's plan. But no matter what's the plan is, as long as He is the planner, somehow or rather the outcome will bring surprise and for sure it is benefial to His beloved child

Standing at the T-Junction, I have no idea which way should I turn to. Should I give up a stable good paid job and choose an unstable yet unlimited income? 

Working in Bluescope is a blessing of God. Especially in region office, where there are a lot of freedom and less office politic. Everyone lives like a family. I enjoy the working enviroment and challenge. In the past six months, I work closely with distributors, developer etc in order plant the seeds. And now i can see the harvest time is near. A lot of sizeable projects will be coming in. Though most of the time there are a lot of unforeseen problems pop out which drive me crazy, i learn a lot ! In the same time, i do learn lying without feeling guilty, giving complement in order to achive something, etc. So evil and fake !! I guess soon or later, i will master "dai chi", pushing all my wrong doing and responsibility to others. This is so not of my initial desires when I step in working life. I guess this is a transition period and I need more wisdom instead of practicing evil ways to solve the problems.

I clearly know that I will not stay long in this company. Not because of paid, politic or stress. It is because i never plan to be an emplyee forever. Accept Jack's offer will lead me from employee to an employer. Converting my responsibility and satisfaction to my own business rather to a company. I clearly know what I want, but I'm scared.

Okay, Tan Sze-Lyn, Jesus is with you ! He loves you. What you need to do is courage and step out from this comfort zone. He holds the future. 

The Lord my God hold my future. But Lord, please give me understanding and wisdom. When should I throw the letter? 2 months or 3 months later? I need to throw on the right timing. 

No matter what, before i left, i shall fight for the best for this company. Be the good and top sales engineer in whole region.

In You Lord, nothing is impossible. My capable of being a top sales engineer is from You, not me.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Time flies

I guess the best part of saturday night is to listening fm radio and observing objects while driving around in Georgetown, Sometime these object do make me recall those days. I remembered 10 years ago, while i was still in secondary school, I always wonder what would it be after 10 years. And now i knew the answers. In fact all these answers are really not in my expectation before. Some are better than what i had expected, some are not. Time flies.

Creator of tomorrow, only You alone know what will it be after 10 years. Will i still stuck in Penang ? will i still an employee or I'm just rich enough stop working, spending time to explore the world ? Or will i become a wife of someone and a mother to few children? Hmm..curious..

Lord, You are the painter of my future. As long as You are with me, I shall not afraid.