jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Malacca Trip - Nyonya Food

One of the local cuisines in Malacca is Nyonya Food. I guest the main reason we love Nyonya food is because we are quarter of Peranakan descendant. Sadly, after grandma pass away there is no one in the family able to cook a good Nyonya dishes.And I miss those chinese new years where great grandma still around. All kinds of Nyonya dishes were serve on dining table and as a respect to great grandma, we could only speak Hokkien and Malay in grandma house.

I will said the best home cook Nyonya food in Malacca can be found in Donald & Lily's Corner.
Curry Chicken
Asam Curry Fish Head
Ponteh Chicken

Malacca Trip

Though this is my "N" times to Malacca, it was our first time to visit Malacca as a family. From Georgetown to Malacca, it roughly took about 6 hours drive. Since we have three person, 2 hours drive for each person make the journey "shorter" and not too tiring. 

Day 1
- Checked in Mahkota Holiday Apartment
- Early dinner at Hoe Kee Chicken rice ball
- Dutch Square ( Red Square) photo session !
- Melaka River Cruise
- Jonker Walk

Day 2
- Brunch at Nyonya Cuisines- Donald & Lily Corner's
- Significant History Spots - Porta De Santiago, St Paul's Church
- Portuguese Settlement
- Satay Celup at Ban Lee Siang
- Gogo KTV Box at The Jetty

Day 3
- Baba Charlie Nyonya Kuih
- Check out & Leaving to KL

For the first time, I would said Baba Charlie Nyonya Kuih is better than Penang. 

Malacca Chicken Rice Ball

Right after arrival at Malacca town, we had our longing chicken rice ball in Hoe Kee restaurant. There are three famous chicken rice ball restaurant in Jonker walk. Hoe Kee is the best among all.

Hainanese Chicken- Frankly,taste like mom's cook. The texture of chicken is smooth, thick but gentle. 

Rice Ball-This is what made the Melaka chicken rice so unique

Assam Curry Fish Head - not too thick nor watery curry, just nice.
The Three Penang Food Ranger

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Seperti yang kau ingin (As You wish)

Bukan dengan barang fana  
Not by perishable goods
Kau membayar dosaku
You paid my sins
Dengan darah yang mahal
By precious blood
Tiada noda dan cela
spotkess and flawless

Bukan dengan emas perak
Not by silver and gold
Kau menebus diriku
You redeem me
Oleh segenap kasih
By entire love
Dan pengorbanan-Mu
And Your sacrifice

Ku telah mati dan tinggalkan cara hidupku yang lama
I'm dead and so to my old ways of living
Semuanya sia-sia dan tak berarti lagi
Everything has become worthless and meaningless
Hidup ini kuletakkan pada mezbah-Mu ya TuYourhan
I offers this life before Your altar
Jadilah padaku seperti yang Kau ingin
Make up my life as You wish

Dear Lord, thanks for Your perfect love. Paint my life as You wish

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tan Jetty, Penang

A random visit to Tan Jetty. This was our first time here. Before that we never know there are such place exist in Penang island. Besides Tan Jetty, there too Lee and Chew Jetty along the coastal.
Entrance of Tan Jetty
As a heir of Tan, we felt home as we enter the village. I guess this is the only place where we can find true friendly and hospitable in this city. People there live like a big family. Kind of hard to imagine these culture still exist in this century, especially in city.
We wonder where does the "chocolate cake" channel to..Hmm..better don't ask.

Is this how the Penang looks like in early 40's? Hmm..Could be. 
Good place for dating:)
Penang "water village" 
Penang, what a wonderful island to stay !
Taken by an European, nice shot. Thanks !
Thank God for family.
Welcome to Tan Jetty :p

Good place to visit and shooting. Besides, there is a well known home cook restaurant along the bridge. We shall try by next visit. 

Thank you Lord for bringing us to a such beautiful place. The creator of everything, indeed Your beauty is beyond all these. Proud to be Your beloved child.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chao Taofu at Tang Steamboat & BBQ restaurant, Penang

I always proud of being a Penangite especially comes to food. Today we accidentally found this taiwanese restaurant in Ragoon Road. What attract us is the signboard - Chao taofu and ma lat steamboat. We never know there too chao taufu in Penang, what a surprise !! 

We were shocked with setting ! It totally gave us a very different feeling, something we had it while we were in Taiwan. Cozy and it is a good place for gathering. Not too quite and not too noise. hmm..sound like my statement quite contradict. 

Again to our surprise, this Tang Steamboat exist in this town for more than 13 years. The owner is a Singaporean while his wife is a Taiwanese. 
While waiting for the food..
Tang Steamboat serves buffet steamboat. The waitress is cute and friendly. Besides it only cost RM 26 per person, which is quite reasonable. 

Above are recommended and new dishes. There are many more choice in their regular menu. The waitress was trying to warn us as we order both spicy soup, ma lat and tom yam. 

To be frank, I don't like the tom yum. It doesn't taste like tom yum and the ma lat soup don't taste spicy. Maybe we are too use to take chile padi as snack at home. 
yum yum..
Teppan yaki fried dumpling, not too oily, just nice and crispy !
Beef slice, a must for steamboat
Chao taofu, lickin' good
For chao tau fu, I got to say that it is the best compare with what I had in Cheras, KL and Shilin night market, Taipei. The surface of chao taofu is crispy while inner is juicy. Not like Cheras night market, too dried and it taste like biscuit more than taofu. I will definately recommended this to a few friends. Again I feel so proud of Penang, even our chao taofu is much better than others. shiok sendiri again..hei hei
what a satisfy Saturday nite
Tiramisu Ice-cream cake, making the dinner even more perfect !!

Chao taofu, I shall come back again
All of sudden, my mind came across this fact-My God is the god who is able to turn the worst condition to a good outcome. After the destruction of Babel Tower, there came Chinese. Without the invention of Chinese, there will be no chao taofu exist. Cheers to my God !

Sunday, June 5, 2011

DAORAE Korean BBQ Restaurant

Eat and drinks section! Today we decided to take korean food since Nikki never have it before. This was my third time been to Daorae korean bbq in Tanjung Bungah. As usual, while waiting for food, taking picture is the things we love to do. In fact,I will only do this with Nikki...maybe she is my sis.. that's why I can be who I am, a real me.

Too much beef for the past few days. Hence for the first time bbq, we dint order beef but chicken and lamb instead. The funny part was waiter kept recommended pork. Maybe pork is nice but never been our consideration list. He was surprised as we told him we anti-pork.

                                              The marinated lamb is much nicer than chicken.
                         Having so called " seaweed soup" which is birthday soup for Korean, i guess..
hmm..cute pic, nice shot..taken by ME !!  haha
Overall the food is nice and reasonable price. Besides they do provide a very good service and side disher.

Santorini Cafe

Welcome to Santorini Cafe

Having a simple lunch with friends after Jo's engagement. This was my first time here. Kind of shock with the interior design as the outlook of the restaurant looks like an another "ordinary" cafe. Nothing so special, so to speak. Maybe this is what " don't judge a book by it's cover" means. 

Blueprint in Santorini

Simple & nice mural
my favourite spagetthi- Olio Seafood
Distributed load on dining table
Ceiling supported by purlin
Location: 94, Burmah Road, Georgetown, Penang ( Beside "Little cottage" )