jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lord I'm amazed

Noah's ark, Ma Wan Island, HK
I think life is not easy but it will be wonderful if we knew that how much He loves us. Tomorrow will be a stressful day to me if I don't know about Jesus' love. I thank God for always being the one who I can look for when I need. It's His love grant me from an anxious Sabbath to a restful day. 

Is a wonderful thing to find out how much Jesus' love me. He cares about every single details in my life, my feeling, my thought, my needs, my success even my friends. How deep and how wide is His love for me. And Lord, I'm amazed by You. The King of kings sing all around me, dance over me. 

It is because His love and cares that give me this confident by fully surrender tomorrow meeting to my heavenly daddy. He cares what I cares. Hence I have the confident to expect tomorrow meeting will only benefit me in regardless what is the outcome. Whatever circumstances, Lord teach me to stand on Your word and promises only. Lord, as You said You are the way, the truth and the life. And the truth shall set me free. The truth is You love me and this shall set me free from stress, restless, anxious, every wicked scheme and lies of Satan. 

Lord, as long as You are with me, I am a successful person. It is regardless my position, my academic qualification, my performance and any poison injected by the wicked person to management. Lord, I thank you success is not about how good I'm but how powerful is Your word. As I'm the heir of Abraham, the same success of life that You gave to Joseph will manifested in my life as well. 

I believe tomorrow night I will have the new ingredient to blog about how You bring me through the day :)
Thank for this agape love, You never stop to love me even though I fall.