jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Saturday, October 31, 2015

For everlasting to everlasting

Journal down all the good and bad times is the best way for me to find God. During the journal, I found the involvement of God, just that I never realize about it

Well this habit stop since I start my own business. Time is very precious to me. Time means money. Each time when I feel like journal down some good or bad moments, there is always a small voice telling me to spend this time "wisely'. Spend the time to do research, design, study and journal can always do it 'later". And "later" never come to pass.

After starting a new relationship early this years, it eat most of my night times. I'm happy I manage to allocate time for this while doing well in business too. It never become a burden to me which I thought it will in the first place. Thank God this relationship happen at the right time. In the same time, something just strike me. If I can allocate time for Daniel, why can't I do it for God too? Does money and Daniel's love can compatible with God? Certainly Not! Jesus is more perfect, handsome, beautiful and he will never leave me even when I die. Tan Sze-Lyn..take heart!

These few days, Pastor Mark from New Creation Church came to EPCC. I didn't expect much especially last night service. Reason being is it was a hokkien service. I merely understand the sermon and most of the time I just guess based on a few words I know. Surprisingly after the service, I feel so refresh. My heart, mind and soul just withdraw the strength from God. 

Tonight mandarin service, during the worship, I finally understand what does it means "He who forgiven much love much". I deeply feel this verse. I just can't stop my tears when I was told He loves me and He is faithfully forgive all my sins. I'm a sinful girl when I realize how Holy is He. In the same time I was called righteous because Jesus is righteous. The gift of righteous and grace speak how much God loves me. 

Thank you Lord. Your love is amazing. No word can describe..

Bless The LORD, O My Soul

Forget not all His benefits

He forgives all your iniquities

Who heals all your diseases

He crowns you with love and compassion

Who justice for all the oppressed

For as high as the heavens are above the earth

so great is His love

As far as the east is from the west

so far has He removed our transgressions from us

Jehovah is compassionate and gracious

and abounding in love

from everlasting to everlasting

Jehovah is my God

Psalm 103