jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Saturday, November 17, 2007

morning lifestyle..

Yes..after back to Penang for few days..eventually I manage to have my own time..I love Penang life especially in the morning..It was great and awesome as i drove to Batu Ferringhi and Gurney Drive for my "time out". 

Drew something on the sand and snap the picture..Haha..few people wondering and look atme with their strange eye?? or am i too sensitive?

Looking at the people jogging under the sunlight..Daddy playing with his child..mummy smiling at her family..children build their sand castle..What a childlike scenery..everything look so familiar in the picture book..closing my eye and listen to the wave..O..I love these so much..Life can be so simply and yet complicated..sound confused?huh?!

Aha..In one morning..I realise one of the reason I was put in Civil Engineering..I related things that around me with engineering concept! Sound like i'm a very rasional person..Cant believe it..i thought i'm a sensibility geist gone after form 6 or after enter Uni?! By the way..i too enjoy to appreciate the nature with engineering slope stability..cohesiveness in sand..tension cracking..compaction..pore water pressure..all the geotechnic knowledge..but i miss out the beauty of the nature..Which created by our Heavenly Father..

As the mission trip date getting closer and closer..I'm a bit wander and afraid..but in the same time i'm grateful..what a self conflict girl..after read an article..I acknowledge that talk is cheap..if we grateful..shouldnt just say thank you but put our life as a living sacrifices..the act of thanksgiving..Hopefully I can put this in practice..

After the time out i went to Starbuck and have my drink..Sitting there alone and have my own time again..accessing internet..I like this type of relax..Can i live like this after graduate? o no..cantimagine..Seeing graduated senior struggling with their job..yucks ! I do