jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Monday, November 9, 2009

Strut and Tie Method

Strut and Tie is a unified approach that consider all load effect ( Moment, Axial, shear and torsion) simultaneously. This design method is useful for shear critical structure and for others disturbed region in concrete structures. Hence Strut and Tie model provides a rational approach by representing a complex structural member with an appropriate simplified truss model.

Code of Practice : ACI, EC, SC

The Basic Concept of Strut and Tie Model : A framework where the stress distribution in a structure is idealized as a system of

1. Strut = Compression member (concrete)
2. Tie/stirrup = Tension member (reinforcement)
3. Node = Connection (Concrete)

Example: Strut and Tie model In Beam

1. Serves as compression chord of the truss mechanism which resists moment.
2. Serves as diagonal struts which transfer shear to the support.
3. Diagonal struts are generally oriented parallel to the expected axis of cracking.

The most critical consideration is the provision of adequate anchorage for the reinforcement.

Assumption in design :
1. Tension in concrete is neglected
2. Forces in strut and tie is uni-axial
3. External load applied on node

Strut and Tie method is using for transfer shear wall design in Esteem 7.

Monday, October 19, 2009

19th Oct

Thank you, I really have a wonderful time, everything turns out out of my expectation. To be honest, I never expect so much about that. Anyway I just like it. 

Hmm..I shall remark today as "somehow or rather, life is all about bonding and understanding".A bowl of tang yuen, remind me about student life..How come? I don't know. But that's not important. The important is about those memories. Place that I stayed and things that I used to do it in the past become so 'strange', like never happen before..Start to force myself to recall back, but it dint work. Funny..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Lord, why am I so down? everything seem meaningless and I dont understand why it happens? Lord, save me. Grant me a good friend who we can spend our life together. Help me to forget and forgive previous relationship. It was a nightmare. Lord...i beg You..I thirst for Your love and presence, I need You so much so much...Feeling so hard to carry my life, found meaningless..Lord..lead me out from this valley..

Monday, September 7, 2009

A letter to my heavenly dad

Lord, you know me, you know i am crying silently,  you know the bitterness in my heart, you know my fears and worries, Lord, you will take care of it, izzit? Lord, why this happen in my life? was i make the mistake in the first place? or you actually allow it? Lord..i thought i have forgotten, numb..but still i can feel down and pain..this has make me loose faith towards friends and christian guy..everything just happen so sudden..Lord, what happen? Why? if you plan not to show me answer, then Lord, please heal me, bring me to another level of life, that i may have faith back towards christian guy..

Friday, August 14, 2009

my BIG day

After attending a few seniors' convocation, I always wonder how would it be felt...Now I know! Besides tired and hot, that is joy. Main of my joy came from my parent especially dad. I knew he is proud of me though he never said anything. From he respond and reaction, i knew he was. 

I never plan to get a degree until I was forced by mum to continue 6th Form. During lower six, i was crowned to be the Queen of absence in school. Skipping school, lying to parent, hanging around in mall etc. It was so serious until form teacher had to called mum. Funny as i re-flash all these. 

The situation never change until i was forced by dad to attend a youth camp during my upper six. Seem like parent really love to force their child to do something which they think it is good. Maybe this is one of their way to love. Though the camp, God question me..since study form 6 is a fact, why not just accept it and do your best ? 

I told God if this what He wants, please grant me wisdom and understanding to score weill in stpm. Thank God, within 3 months, my results shoot up like rocket. I got 5th in class. Teachers and classmate were shocked. From there onwards, i slowly pick up and I was the 2nd best stpm scorer among physic students. Though I failed to get straight As, I thank God for the result that been given. I just couldnt imagine how would it be if my life without Him.

Indeed I should give thank to my God and parent. Without the "forces", I'm not able to walk on the stage and receive the scoll from chancellor.

My uni life would not be so colourful without CFers
my dearst room mate
It was a mix feeling as we hug. Joy and sorrow in the same time. We were coursemate for 4 years, room mate for 3 years and sister in christ for life. Lord, thanks for sending me such a good room mate.

Thanks for the gifts and love. I got it

Monday, July 6, 2009

Being honest to myself

In the silent night, I tend to think alot. This is the time my brain work. To think about past, present and future. This is the time i can be honest enough to tell God about my real feeling. I long to live for God. I long for freedom and dreams. I long to experience and embrace life. I long to have a life partner who i can share my life with. To be honest, I'm quite miss him. But i have to stop this feeling as this will hurt me more and more. I'm just not as cool as i thought. I'm just a normal girl, feeling sad and hurt too. However i just cant share my real feeling to anyone, even my close friend. I just cant trust anyone anymore. I wish to share, but each time i will turn out as a super woman, bringing encouragement to them instead of letting them encourage me. 
Lord, save me. You are the only friend i can trust to. I just feel like crying but i couldn't cry out. Is this because i have burried my feeling underneath right after everything? What happen to me? 

Monday, May 18, 2009

1 liter of tears

Just finished a japanese series, 1 liter of tears (一公升眼泪 ). I guess most of the people knew this series. It is an inspirational series based on a true life story about a teenager (Aya) who endured through an incurable disease that slowly kills her by the days. This is my first time heard about this disease, Spinocerebellar ataxia, the most cruel disease.

Sometimes in life, things may not go our way and perhaps no matter how hard we try, we may not achieve the outcome. Nonetheless, we must not give up. On the other hand, we should continue work hard against all the pains and suffering, turn the negative into a positive outlook of life, just like Aya. 

It is not by chance that we have a healthy body, able to perform daily task such as eating, sleeping, walking and etc. It is by God's blessing. Never take this blessing for granted. In deed we should count this blessing and be grateful.