jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The greatest love of all is mine


Here I stand, Knowing I'm Your desire
Sanctified by glory and fire

Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine
Since You laid down Your Live
The greatest sacrifice

Singing ~Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed, but alive in Your hands

Singing ~Majesty, Majesty
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of our Majesty ...

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for desiring me !

I just wish to record down this moment..

The most beautiful moment in my life. 

This beauty is beyond what I can describe in words. 

It happens whenever I'm reminded Your love never fail even though I fall. 

The greatest love of all.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Urban Street Sleeper 2.0

During our second mission of visiting the homeless, I met three aunties at Komtar bus station. It was around 1.00 am morning and I was a surprise to see them still hanging around Komtar to collect empty aluminium cans. These aunties are old enough to be my grandmother. 

One of them actually beg food from me. She requested two package of rice because her room mate who is older than her cannot walk. The room mate is sleeping and she is also one of aluminium can collector. Although they are not street sleeper but they spend all their time at streets. 

As they share with me how much they need to pay for a small room rental, it shock me. Only RM 170 ! So cheap. But then, to them is a huge amount. Their income are only merely enough for rental. If there is left over, they will keep it for next month. Only RM85 per person, what's the big deal?! We spend almost RM85 for buffet and these people actually struggle for whole month. At these age, staying in a small room, collecting empty cans and used paper as their only income. It is sad to see this. 

I'm grateful as my God's provision is beyond than my need. My condo have another two empty rooms with nice sea view. While some people found no place to sleep and sleep at street, Nikki and I 'struggle' which house should we overnight. Though all houses are flat and condos, but compare to them, we are so blessed. 

Lord, thank you for giving me such a beautiful parent. They might not very rich, but they are good enough as my parent. Papa and mum spend all their time to educate us and to provide our daily needs. Thanks ! It was wonderful to know these aunties. I pray the same love and provision of You will overflow in their life as well. By the power of Your blood, break the curse and no more condemnation. Grant them good health, joyful life and a new mind which acknowledge You as their only heavenly father. Pray this in Jesus' name. Amen !

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bersih 3.0 - 428

428 is a historical day to Malaysian and also to myself. That very day is my first protest in life. Time is very precious to me. Those days I would rather spend time doing nothing than attending any political rally/protest. To me, only those have too much time will protest. 

I remember a poem with title" Malaysia, tanahair ku" in primary school, it describe the love of Malaysia by a poet. I don't understand what make the poet loves the country so much. I never love Malaysia. Simply because I do not feel belong to Malaysia. I believe most of Malaysian, especial Chinese has a dream of migrating to other country. I myself was the first one to raise hand when someone ask about this. Since I am a Malaysia ' second class ' citizen, why should I not migrate to other country as their second class citizen where they have better infrastructure, greener environment to live, better education and job opportunity than Malaysia?
When we were kids, Nikki and me always "cursing" Tunku Abdul Rahman, the Father of Malaysia. Why this Tunku so busybody, got nothing better to do is it?  Fight for independence?! Why people rejoice for this? What is the need to fight for independence? Is there any difference after independence? Maybe to some of the people it do but we don't see nor feel it. After all, it is not a bad idea to let the British people rules the country. 

After Bersih 3.0, I deeply understand the reason of people protest. It is not because they are too free or got nothing better to do. It is the love that make them stood up. Love of parent to their children. Our decision and act will directly affect our children. The future of a country represent the future of our next generation. No one love to see their children become slave of other nation. Only those who truly love the country will protect his people from all the harms. They will use all their strength and heart to rules the country. Just like how a husband protect his wife and his children. I think the very reason Tunku fight for independence was because our ancestors had seen how British people, the colonizer took advantage of this land.

Though we are now an independent nation but our government use all their way to rob his people. They make no different with colonizer. Corruption, unfair, dirty, undemocratic election, injustice and  people lose their ownership in this land. It happen openly! To me, Bersih rally is just another form of fighting independence. I salute those who actually sacrifice their life for this 'independence'.

I cried when I saw 15 polices beating a reporter, more than three polices beating up a surrendered protester and many more. It is a shame to tell my children that this is the country we belong to. Government use our tax to feed a group of barbarians.