jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Monday, November 26, 2012

Now all I see is Your lovely face

Joining EPCC kidz camp was not my initial plan. Indeed I never thought about it simply because I do not want to sacrifice 4 annual leaves to "work". It was three weeks before the camp that I actually decided to take up the role. 

Besides short of helpers, I found it as a time to escape from the world. A time out for myself because children are not as complicated as adult. Maybe this is the reason I felt condemned during the 4 days and also after the camp. 

My motive to serve is not sincere as compared with others. For the whole week I always has a mindset that surely God prefer others offering because they are more sincere. 

This morning service was awesome. Somehow I feel loved. Why I see God as a father who only love me and accept me based on my performance? Who am I ? Am I have this ability to earn God's love and blessing based on my performance? Can God's love and blessing be earned? It is by His grace I has the chance to serve and to worship Him. It is by His grace I'm accepted even when I fall. 

Regardless the motive of serving, Jesus still loves me. He was with me for the past whole week and He appreciate what I can give. Even though it is just a tiny offering. That's who my God is =) 

A wreath of thorns
Became Your crown
My curse was laid upon Your brow
Your wounds displayed for all to see
Your body torn to rescue me
My sins You’re faithful to forget
Because Your love and justice met
There at the cross upon that hill
Lord, You fulfilled the Father’s will
My stain of sin, Your blood erased
My life redeemed, Lord
By Your grace
Healed and restored in Your embrace
Now all I see is Your lovely face
Forevermore I will confess
You are my Lord, my righteousness
The One who died yet rose again
My God and King until the end
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah to You, my King
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah to You, my King
Words & music by Sean Goh
Copyright 2010 New Creation Church, Singapore