jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Friday, May 10, 2013

I'm not Chinese, I'm a Malaysian

For all these years, I have read numbers of racist articles, news and comments in facebook, youtube which a certain Malaysian call the Malaysian chinese as "babi" (pig), orang cina balik China (Chinese please go back to China), Kami tidak perlu cina (We don't need chinese), let's kill the chinese like slaughter pig, etc.Those sentence were written by certain leader, government officer and racist personal in their fb and youtube comment. I was angry however it does not affect the friendship with my Malay friends and colleague. Not all Malay are racist and I shall confess even some of Chinese are racist. Sadly, after 56 years of independence, people still judge a person based on skin colour. No wonder Malaysia cannot move far as it should be.

After 5 May 2013, the well known dirties election in Malaysia history by far, BN retain as our government for the next 5 years. Just within a day of Malaysia PM, he pin point the poor election result of his party is due to 'Chinese Tsunami". 80% of chinese supported opposition party. Is this a "chinese tsunami" or "Malaysian tsunami"? Chinese are only 25% of whole Malaysia population. Based on the election result it shows that 50.3% of Malaysian choose to support opposition. How can it be a chinese tsunami?

Somehow at this moment, I realize racist does not come from the people, it start from this ruling party.

There are concrete and solid prove which included videos and picture show that on election day, Election Commission and police force did not carry out their job as it should be. Money politic, millions of phantom voters, recount ballot paper without the presence of counting agents of each party, extra ballot paper with pre-marking was sent from outside to vote station under the protection of police, etc. In order to win, this ruling party issue citizenship to millions of foreign workers. Some even were paid to vote for their party. There are Chinese and Indian who stay in this country more than decades and yet they are not able to get Malaysia citizenship. They are not allow to vote and yet our government issue citizenship to foreign labors who work in Malaysia less than a month! Even our former PM, Tun Mahathir admit this fact to the media and he don't even think there is any problem to do this. Everything happen openly !

Our country future are determined by foreign workers? We paid tax for government to run the country and yet we don't even have the say? How can the people accept this kind of cheating and recognize this as our government? It this government really care the children of Malaysia? Or they just loves their own children? 

Corruption are not an new issue and in fact Malaysia is ranked 2nd out of 150 countries in Global Financial Integrity's (GFI) 2013 report. Government spending money like water. Over 15 years, Malaysia finance has been in persistent deficit condition. Malaysia are blessed with all natural resources. We have petroleum where Petronas was ranked top 12 of most profitable company in the world. Besides we are the top 3 country in the world exporting rubber and so to other natural resource such as palm oil, timber, etc. Budget deficit in Malaysia for 15 years, how could it be happen? They thought rakyat are "potato" meh?

Instead of enjoying these resources, people not only live in poverty but also need to bear the debts of the government. Idris Jala, the minister of Prime Minister's Department make a statement that if government continue to spend like this, Malaysia will bankrupt in 2019 or sooner. Even government minister make this kind of statement ! Will Malaysia bankrupt by 2019 ? I pray by God's grace it will not happen. Whether it will bankrupt in 2019 or not, for sure government is leading Malaysia to bankrupt destiny if they continue this kind of spending power. 

These irresponsible declaration of PM was follow by "Apa lagi orang cina mahu?" (What else do the Chinese want ?) in Utusan Malaysia. This statement really hurts me and I believe other Malaysian Chinese also feel the same. However, this hurt feeling did not stay long. I have seem many Malaysian Malay share their thought in Facebook. They accepted us as who we are. Many of them are ready to stand and defense for the Malaysian Chinese.

For the first time, I feel so belong to this country. None of us call ourselves as Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, etc. We address ourselves as Malaysian. This is the true and genuine 1 Malaysia. I guess the unity among all the races in Malaysia are the best gift from God in this General Election.

Well, I guess most of Malaysian are so upset with the election result and so do I. We are upset because the election did not carry out in a clean and fair manner. Nevertheless, many said the democratic of Malaysia is dead and I don't denied this fact as it is true that people lost their right in this General Election. However, this is not the end of Malaysia. I've seem a baby was born since 2008. She is the great patriotic awakening of Malaysian especially to the younger generation. This baby grow stronger and stronger as the time goes by. Little by little, when we are fully equip, democratic will be alive in Malaysia again.

Though the election result was out, but we will not let this unfair election come to the past easily. Instead of giving up, we will fight to the end and we will not be afraid as justice belong to God.

Who can against us when God is with us?

Thanks for turning this unfair election to weapon to unite all races in Malaysia. Dad, you are cool. I like Your style.