jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Please come quickly

 So miss you, so much to ask, so much to tell scare to think about you..time never healed, the longer we wait, the more we miss you. So sorry that night, I shouldnt take it easily, i shouldnt drag half an hour which determine your life. I should come as soon as i receive papa call. So regret i dint answer your call 2 nights before..we all fall into the devils trap, so much missunderstanding...i miss you, i love you..

Lord, the moment you allow this happened, you know you also know we will lost all our passion & dreams in this life, besides the heavy  responsibilities. I really hate this world, please please quickly bring us home. Lord, home is where all our family gather. Please come quickly. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

很怀念小时,每次冲完凉,你就要我帮你梳头发。就因为不会梳,梳得不好看。。说真的那时的我其实我很乐意。可能是那种被相信的感觉。只是每次帮你梳,又要快又要好看。每次梳一下,你就会一直问。。姐姐,好了沒有? 我每次都会骗你说,就要好了。。。你跟David 完全很不一样。David 超爱美,你只要舒服和整其。其实你长得比David好看。。只是少了自信,不会打扮。。不是台前,所以很多人常常拿你和David 比较。有时even沒注意到你。但对我和阿燕,我们比较欣赏象你这样的男生。我们有多期太见你未来的妻子和孩子。我们也曾相信会有这样的一天。

I will not be fool by our enemies, this is not my battle, the battle belong to our Lord.

放心,我们不会被它们骗的。加油,look forward our reunion.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Lord, how long more we can leave this world? How long more our heart will stop bleeding? All the pains, guilts, condemnations I surrender to you. Please give him a tight hug on behalf of us each & everyday. Please tell him soon we will meet again. Chow yee, 还记得吗?今年一月我们三个说过的,我们一起等那一天。Let not him wait too long. May his spirit & soul rejoice & forget all the past. Please grant us strength to continue the journey. Jesus come to give us life & life more abundantly. But the moment he leaves, life will never abundant to us. Please fix these. Whatever destructions has been cause by the evil one, Lord restore it. Including chow yee life & health. For You are the faithful God.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The most cruel thing but the only thing I can do for you is handle your death certificate. The moment to pass down your mykard really tear down my heart into pieces. I dont blame you, it was not your fault. Indeed, Im proud of you for all these years. Fighting with God’s word. Yen remind me how you overcome it for the last 10 years. You very geng, the best fighter. We all were so ignorant, not knowing it was the spirits behind all these. Tortured & conned by them for so long.

Thank God you are in save arm. Can you hear me? We all miss you so much. No one can replace you, not even Benjamin. Because losing you & having him is two different thing. So if you hear me, lets pray that God accecerates the rapture time. You cant come to us, but we can come to you.

Lord, the only hope for this lost is rapture. May it take place by this year.

O death, where is your sting?
O grave, where is your victory?

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Hey, hows life there? I miss you so much. This will be the last time to wait for me a bit longer..i believe very soon we will meet again. When we meet, i promise i will never leave you. Whatever you want to do, whenever you want to go, i will be by your side. Maybe you dont even need this jie jie, but I dont care. My turn to protect you, your enemy is my enemy. Together 3 of us will take the revenge. Whatever you have suffer, all shall be pay back 7 times. Hug!!!!!! Miss you so so much.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

There is who You Are

To conceive a child is really a God miracle in my life. I din't really take it seriously until i met an ex-colleague who has the same condition with mine. Both us were advice by doctors to go for IVF if we wish to have kids in future. When I told my colleague about my condition, she were shocked about the natural pregnancy.

When I found out the pregnancy, I was kind of depress as I never plan to have it at this moment. I have so much yet to be done, my dream, career, and I don't think both us are ready to be parent. However in deed my heart, I knew that only God know whether I'm ready. Because one of my prayer is God will give me a child when I'm ready.

The first time I saw Benjamin via ultrasound was just a piece of black object, then his heartbeat. I could not feel anything about him besides bloating, heartburn, vomit etc. I can't imagine being a mother. This is really a whole new thing in life.

However slowly, as Benjamin developed into more like a baby figure, I was kind of rejoice to see him via ultrasound. It took months for me to adapt. Sometime I can feel his head and his movement. I'm kind of surprise that I can talk to him so natural and I kind of miss him. Look forward the day he is born and I can hug him tight. This is so not me as I will never love a person I never meet before. And i will never fall in love to someone is such a short time.

Both me and Daniel were looking a name for Benjamin. We wish to name him in Hebrew which speak about Our Heavenly Father. After some shortlisted, from "God's gift, The Lord protect to Jehovah is my God", we could not get a mutual agreement. One night as we were joking, Daniel wish to name him one of the great character in Bible, such as Matthew, Solomon, Jonathan. I just simply said if really need to pick from bible, then I would rather go for "Benjamin". Because we both follow Pastor Joseph Prince ministry, we are the Benjamin Generation, the blessed tribe. Benjamin: Son of the right hand. Right hand in God is a special position.

Daniel just said, why not?! I din't take this discussion seriously. Few days later as I was lunch with Nikki my sister about that night conversation, she too agree to name the boy "Benjamin" instead of other name. What she said quite make sense. Call your son " Son of right hand", like how God call Abraham "father of many nation", call your son what you like to see in his future, instead just remind him " God's protect", God's Gift... "Son of right hand" have all these, in one full package. As a business women, we both think that go for one full package is more worth. So we decided to name him Benjamin.

After few weeks, during lunch with Pastor Rachel, she just ask us have we name the son. We told her yes, Benjamin. She were shocked for second then she told us the name of Benjamin is in her mind. She plan to ask us consider this name, Benjamin, son of right hand.

Wow, at that moment, I feel so loved by God. Who am I that my God has a name for my son. This son surely is not an ordinary son. God has a big plan in his life. All of sudden, it reminds me that I really need to ask for more wisdom to educate this son. My God entrusted Benjamin in my life.

On 25th October, 2019 we receive a news from doctor, saying there is too much fluid in the boy brain. She urge us to seek for fetus specialist in KL When Daniel ask is there life threatening, she just reply very hard to say at this moment. The boy might need to go for brain surgery after he is born.

After talk to Pastor Rachel, she wants us not to live in fear, but boldly proclaim God promises in the Bible. To conceive is a miracles, and God work will not stop half way. Benjamin is wonderfully and perfectly make by God, not about my body, uterus. Uterus cannot form a live, there are just a vessel, life can only be created by God.

Benjamin, you going to be well. Our God is miracle worker, promise keeper. He will surely restore you a new brain. Because God cannot and unable to lie. He is the most reliable promise keeper.

Lord, thank you at this moment, you are in our midst. I cannot imagine if I don't know you, how am I going to go through this. Teach me and Daniel to guard our heart and believe Benjamin is in good hand.

Benjamin going to be a live walking testimony. Miracle healing take place even before he is born. No brain surgery take place. He is going to live like other healthy children, married a godly woman, with kids.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Ar dear..

I love you. Before I met you, I find these 3 words is hard to say it out. Too cheezy, it does not fit my cool image. Haha..Joking..

Seriously, once I thought maybe I should just stay single as I hardly open my heart though I tried to. But it's just so hard. I guess maybe I was afraid of rejection and fear of being hurt. Even until today, besides Jesus & my family, I still can't believe that someone will just accept me as who I am really is. 

Still remember the first day of dating, I told you that I'm a bit "kayu" when come into relationship. I'm not able to tell those sweet words if you expecting this from me. But sometime later, you were surprise that I do know how to express my love towards you, not as "kayu" as you thought. Seriously, I too surprise with myself. Slowly I found out it is because you will never take advantage of my love. Instead, you always take the first step to show me how much you love me and cherish me. I found secure to be who I am in front of you. 

I know you always act that you hate certain food just because you knew that I love to eat especially when there is not enough for both. If there are more than one, you will make sure I get the best part.

When we are at the roadside or crossing the road, you will make sure I stay at the safer zone. 

All these little little things mean so much to me. 

Dear, thank you for loving me even though I'm a bit stubborn and want everything to do it in my way. Do pray for me to be a more submissive & wiser woman.

Sometime you are a bit bossy and command me to do a lot of things for you just because you do not know how to do it. Though I hate your bossy way,  and I still can't stop myself from doing it for you. And one day, I found out you were just acting all these while! Feel like want to "cekik" you but in the same time, I find out I can't. Because I can't stop myself to love you even when I'm angry.

I love you no matter how you look like. Even your body area grow larger. In my eye, you always my prince charming.  However, I'm more concern about your health. So do start to take holy communion more often. Also please drive safely and no speeding please. Whenever you tempt to speed, please do remember I'm here waiting for you. Do not take God's protection for granted.  I can't imagine my life without you. 

Ar dear, I'm blessed to have you as my husband. 

Love you always
