jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Monday, October 29, 2012

Jumping off

During Sunday Services, a picture of jumping off a pyramid just came across in my mind. Maybe too much "input" and I found no where to release that's why I long to do this jumping. I guess if I share this thought to anyone, people might think I'm just joking or insane. Of course I am not. The picture not just stop that. I saw Jesus embraced me when I was free in the air and the next second I soar under His wings. The sense of security. Thanks :)

I have no problem with how powerful is my God. However I always has the problem of is Jesus willing ? A sentence of " at the cross, He gave everything" really speak to me. He knows my needs and desires. If Jesus willing to give me His life, nothing is more valuable than this. Does my future and  needs are more valuable than His life? Of course not ! He is willing to care and to bless me. Yes. Tan Sze-Lyn, Jesus is more than willing. Relax...

Paying Priscilla a visit with Felicia in the evening. My first close friend gave birth. As I saw her, I was surprised with her attire. From a stylist girl become a typical mother look. No make up and dress up. So not her. As normal, she share about the delivery process, experience and the difficult life with mother in law. I salute her but in the same time i wonder. 

Are these all about the life ? Must all the women need to go through this process? I see nothing good in these. Maybe I'm not mature enough? Or maybe I just not that kind of person to live like that?  Hmm..sometime I also don't really know what I need. Only God knows. Ya, God is the right trustee whom I can trust.

Monday, October 22, 2012

That's How God loves

The story of Abraham's sacrifice of his son in Genesis 22 always told by many it is a test of God. Even in the Bible, the subtitle also stated " Abraham Tested". Most of the people including myself also thought God wants to test the love and faith of Abraham toward Him. When God gives Abraham a long waited son, He wants to test him? Last time I always thought why God so kiasu. If God scare of losing Abraham's love and faith then why He gave him a son? This sacrifice test really mean. 

The song of "blessed be Your Name...He gives and take away.." Does God really so mean?  He gives us  Issac (blessing) and later on He takes away just to test us how much we love Him? I still remember how I respond this situation in those days. - God, if You plan to take away and just to test how much I love You or my faith, then don't bless me in the first place. Because I always fail to love You.

Thank God for the revelation of this context. This scripture are not talk about how kiasu is our God, it is about how much God loves us. The whole context is a picture of Jesus and the scarification of the Only Son of God.

Abraham offered his only son (Gen. 22:2, 12).  >> God offered his only Son (John 3:16).

Isaac carried the wood for the sacrifice (Gen. 22:5).  >>Jesus carried the cross for the sacrifice (John 19:17).

Isaac cried out to his father (Gen. 22:7). >> Jesus cried out to His Father (Mtt. 27:46; Mark 15:34).

Isaac escaped death after three days (Gen. 22:4). >> Jesus rose from the dead on the third day (Mtt. 16:21;   Mark 16:2-4; Luke 9:22).

Abraham indicated God will provide a lamb for the sacrifice (Gen. 22:8). >>God provided Jesus as The Lamb for the sacrifice (Isa. 53:7; John 1:29, 36; Rev. 5:6+; 7:17+).

God provided a ram, a male sheep, as a substitutionary sacrifice (Gen. 22:13). >>God provided a male, Jesus, as a substitutionary sacrifice

The ram was caught by its horns (head) in a thicket (thorns) (Gen. 22:13). >>Jesus wore a crown of thorns on his head (Mtt. 27:29), a symbol of the sin He bore (Gen. 3:18)

Sacrifice offered at specific location on Mount Moriah (Gen. 22:2, 9). >>For hundreds of years, sacrifices would be offered from the same spot inside Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple (2Chr. 3:1). When Jesus is crucified outside the citywalls on the same mountain, the veil within the Temple is rent in two (Mark 15:38).

The ram was God’s provision (Gen. 22:13-14). >>Abraham prophetically named the place pointing to the crucifixion where God made the ultimate provision: the sacrifice of His Son for sin (Heb. 9:26-28).

God withholds Abraham from sacrifices his only beloved son but He never withholds His Only Son for us. That's the way God shows His love to mankind. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I knew about this short form from a book, most probably more than 5 years ago. Surprisingly until today only I realize this short form is based on a true story. It is a story about a couple who spent their entire married lives reminding one another that they love each other. I am amazed by this old couple who actually able to do it. Just wonder how they can make it? Anyway, it happens in real life. 

From the context, it clearly state the old couple are Christian. Maybe or I should say for sure they see Christ as the center of marriage. The most ideal marriage life. However how many christian couple able to do it ? It involve both party having the same perspective else it would be a tiring race.

Maybe I shouldn't use tired to describe the run since Jesus said " Come to me and I will give you rest". Run the race without feeling tired but relax. What happen if the race was not meant for me? That's why i feel so hard to penetrate the wall and it is really tiring. Lord, can I have an easier one ? As straight as runway? 

Haih, Lord, my strength is limited. I can't and I don't have this ability to penetrate it. Feel like letting go but I know this feeling only happen when I try to use my strength to do it. To have a restful run, I shouldn't withdraw the strength from another poor runner. The source of strength should be come from You. 

You have your own timing and I got to let You to take over. No matter how it ends, You always give Your best for me. It is simply because You love me. Amen !

Lord, supplier of strength, love and wisdom! I need You and I want to flow with You.

oklah Jesus, now is Your business, not mine. I want to sleep now. Good nite and "work hard" ya :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

The right captain

Lord, is another sleepless night. I know being an influential person in northern Lysaght is something i hope for all these while. However the expectation is really out out my expectation. It far beyond than I expect. Recently more and more distributors show their support to us. I know it is something to be glad about but in the same time it really stress me out. 

Everyone expect me to has this ability to take all the lead in the market, to use the technical knowledge as the tools to win most of the projects and to convert competitor's specification to my specification. Hello!! I'm not a magician neither a  right captain who is able to bring more sales for their company. 

I don't know how to do it and I lost my direction. Teach me and guide me. I know in You I can do all things. Please grant me the peace and faith to carry on. Lord, I want to experience of all the great things and promises that You have already plan for me. And from tonight onwards, I will have innumerous of good sleeps. Nothing will able to stop me from resting in You. The more I rest, the more of You taking over the whole ship. In Jesus' name, Amen !