jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Friday, August 31, 2007

National Bridge Model Competition

Hmm..finally its over..joining the national bridge model competition two months ago..Our group (five of us) manage to enter second stage of the competition.Thus this two weeks plus we busy to prepare two model bridge,poster, movie presentation and landscape. During the preparation it was a tough time for me. Spend most of our time in doing the bridge model, sleep at very late night, skip lectures. Due to all of us have high demand in this competition, we re-do the bridge things again and again. Sometime i was so frustrated about the re-do things. Well, we manage to finish our stuff at the eleventh hour before we depart from our campus to Johor UTM. It was a 2days event on Tuesday and Wednesday.We depart by Monday 7am. Ha, we dint sleep on sunday nite..coz we only manage to finish all things at about 5am..hence, almost of the whole journey we sleep in bus. Haha..People like me, a bit tall..will suffer in the bus..We reach UTM at about 5pm..After that we direct went to the hall and start to arrange our landscape, poster....However, we found out that our landscape that Gavin did was too long..cant put on the table that they hv prepare for us. Due to gavin busy to improve our bridge structure so i was called by one of my group member to do another new landscape. Can feel that she put so high expectation on me again as she ask me not to worried about the material that i need. My job was to think and to decorate it stress..last minutes what can i do..haha..thanks to my dear heavenly father..Idea just pop out one by one as i ask Him during the preparation.. haha..that night all of us only manage to sleep one hour coz busy to do the landscape..On the first day of the competition, each group have to go on the stage to present the bridge model..Before two hours of our turn to present,group members decide me to present it on a good surprise for me..even in school, i have to use at least a night to prepare..stress again..Thank God, i have present it camly and confidently..Group members so surprise and they thought that i was so enjoy to talk on the that moment i just pretend la..just thought that He is with me and dint think for other things..Our bridge can support 5kg with only 0.79mm deflection, the weight of our bridge is was a good news to us as our deflection is d smallest among all. And our bridge weight is d fourth or fifth lightess. It was a hope for all of us..On the second day of competiton we wake up by 5am just to improve our landscape. It was because there will be 5 judges to come over booth by booth to give mark for landscape, multimedia presentation, poster, buildable, creativity, bridge structure..I pray for everything besides the justice of competition. Most of the UTM and Inti college breaks the rules..and it was so overt..a lot of participant was so angry with it, some of them even went to the "transfomer bridges" booth to challenge the ppl on the first day. One of the group even ask judge about that on second day. But the judge just smile and dint give any comment..As i knew they have break the rules on d first day,i thought the judge will take some action for the "transformer bridge",so i just concentrate to do my thing and dint give any respond to my coursemate as  they discuss about sad..the judge did nothing..and all the transformer bridge won most of the prize..we lose..It was so easy to win as long as we dare to break the rules..Seriously,if have to use such way to win the prize, i rather choose to lose than win. I have exprience so much of His goodness along the whole process of our bridge preparation and competition.No regret to join the competition at least one of my wish have come true which is go johor..Hmm..have to back to normal life la..a lot of things..test, design, assignment are waving with me..

Sunday, August 19, 2007

My dearest sis in christ..

so sad..nvr thought i so miss this sis so much until i saw her in convo..after she move her stuff bec to kluang..i cried for nights..during holiday, i try to put attention in other things..stop my mind to think that she is no longer around when i need some one to share..hv no more friend that i can talk to..try to make used that we can communicate thru call..i thought i hv accept this fact..time past so fast especially during happy moment..Thank God that I hv 1 day to accompay her and her family..i should grateful for it..just cant stop crying as she left..cant control my tear..a bit doubt whether go singapore in dec..scare i will cry again when i left..haiz..really no mood to do anything..but my bridge cant wait ady..Lord, grant me the strength to continue my work..

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Gastric's days..

Since wednesday nite, i have been suffer for gastric and XXX haha..better keep it secret..Room mate wanna send me to hospital but I refuse..coz i scare injection..Well, I din't have a good sleep on that nite. And the second day i skips all the class and lab. In the end, i agree to see doctor. Room mate won that battle..haha..So we went to see doctor coz yeeting(room mate) also encouter gastric problem..As i wait for the doctor, yeeting and Gavin ask me not to eat chocolate anymore..which mean they ask me to break out with MR.Chocolate..say bye bye to all my chocolate bar, hot chocolate drink, chocolate biscuit, chocolate jam?! so sad..Since we came together, so the nurse ask both us go in the doctor room together..the doctor very funny..laugh at me as he found out besides gastric and XXX, i also fever wor..the first thing that came in my mind was "fuk song pin"(FREE fever) for my gastric?! O..No..after that the doctor did'nt say anything, instead i ask the doctor what type of food that i cannot eat..Just to confirm, i ask the doctor whether i can eat chocolate..surprisingly..the doctor said CAN..Muahahaha..i turn my eye to yeeting and show funny face..And she was shocked with doctor answer..Muahahaha! this time i won..Now just hope for speedy recover..if not i have to walk in an old lady..and have to "cucuk" coz that doctor told me that if after few days still pain then have to "cucuk"..Thank God for the i feel better if compared with two days ago..and thank God for a good room mate..always remind me the "cucuk" thing as she knows that i cant control myself in taking spicy food..and thank God that i able to skip my lab..haha..first time i found out myself so enjoy the days even sick..remind me a sunday school song..That is joy joy joy ..dwell in my heart..dwell in my heart..

Sunday, August 5, 2007


I like pastor Rowland sermon, though i was fishing during the sermon..Haha..but i did get part of the message of Pastor Rowland..And as we sang "How great is our God"..This song really challenge me..this time no more "will me" should be I want to praise Him even in a darkness moment in life..recently a lot of thing that wake me up..the event that impacted me the most is the 21 korean hostage..use to ask myself will i still sing praises to God if one day i'm in their situation? I hope i from now, i should learn to trust Him in small thing first..If compared to others, what i encounter is just a small matter..shouldnt see that matter as big as God..and shouldnt believe the satan's lies that God doesnt care about me anymore..I know He love me..

May Your love and Your truth always protect me. Psalm 40:11

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Questioning Him..

This morning was wake up by a call..from mummy..she told me that she was involved in an accident..had ram an old lady and the head of the lady was injured. Mummy was very panic and as waiting to dad she call me..I can head the noise over there and as dad arrived, the first thing he did was questioning mummy..Then mum ended the call. I was so sad as dad couldnt understand mum situation especially during this period. So i sms dad and ask him to treat mum my as he treat us..Hope that my word will not hurt dad..Sorry..This 2 weeks she just a bit stabil, finding a new hope that she get a job, plan to have fellowship with some christian friend..try to open herself to others..everything was so smooth..why such thing happen that might affect her emotion and thinking..really dont understand..Really hope to have a forgeful mind, wanna delete this question, feeling, problem..I know everything happen is in His plan and something good is hidden in HIs plan..But for this moment i just cant accept this..Pls..i have to concentrate in study as i have left behind alot ady..tan sze-lyn! think positively,k?..