jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Sunday, August 5, 2007


I like pastor Rowland sermon, though i was fishing during the sermon..Haha..but i did get part of the message of Pastor Rowland..And as we sang "How great is our God"..This song really challenge me..this time no more "will me" should be I want to praise Him even in a darkness moment in life..recently a lot of thing that wake me up..the event that impacted me the most is the 21 korean hostage..use to ask myself will i still sing praises to God if one day i'm in their situation? I hope i from now, i should learn to trust Him in small thing first..If compared to others, what i encounter is just a small matter..shouldnt see that matter as big as God..and shouldnt believe the satan's lies that God doesnt care about me anymore..I know He love me..

May Your love and Your truth always protect me. Psalm 40:11