jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Questioning Him..

This morning was wake up by a call..from mummy..she told me that she was involved in an accident..had ram an old lady and the head of the lady was injured. Mummy was very panic and as waiting to dad she call me..I can head the noise over there and as dad arrived, the first thing he did was questioning mummy..Then mum ended the call. I was so sad as dad couldnt understand mum situation especially during this period. So i sms dad and ask him to treat mum my as he treat us..Hope that my word will not hurt dad..Sorry..This 2 weeks she just a bit stabil, finding a new hope that she get a job, plan to have fellowship with some christian friend..try to open herself to others..everything was so smooth..why such thing happen that might affect her emotion and thinking..really dont understand..Really hope to have a forgeful mind, wanna delete this question, feeling, problem..I know everything happen is in His plan and something good is hidden in HIs plan..But for this moment i just cant accept this..Pls..i have to concentrate in study as i have left behind alot ady..tan sze-lyn! think positively,k?..