jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Just finish watching a cantonese series drama-Fathers & Sons..It is a simple drama but i was so tourched by the love of the fathers towards their children. It remind me that in life there might have something that fathers have done for me secretly..but I never notice it..Things around me are too attractive and time past so fast ..and i just forget to stop for a moment just to say how much i appreciate and thank you..How great is our father's love..After camp i'm struggling to make a decision..I not sure whether i do it in the right time or right way..too much to consider..what will happen after i tell him..I just know if I continue to run away, there will be someone hurting..and I feel so bad about to do it without hurting him and still remain as good friend? As I think about tomorrow, thing that I have to uneasy..

Father,whatever consequences..may it in Your control..long to have a big hug and tell me that be courage, daughter..