jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

honesty create more problems?

Today I was told being too honest will bring a lot of trouble to people around you. In the past, i will definately diagree with it. But after a lot of things happen, i'm doubt with my initial believe. Sometime people have no choices but to lie. This is not true in Bible and also not something we learnt in school. However lie would eventually solve the problem and being honest will create more problem. instead Should i change myself to be more "flexi" so that i wont struggle so much? Someone told me as long as it is not beyond law, you can do anything in order to achive something....Should i change ? maybe im just tired to do thing differently with other. Should I make myself one of them? arghh!! I need wisdom.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Shelter of stressful

I guess stress is the most common element in life. It doesnt matter what is our role, be it a student, child, worker or even a king, it always come after us. No one love stress, including me. However everyone have to agree stress do bring a great impact to their life. It will either built us stronger or the other away round. I guess it is all depend on how we deal with this element.

I'm a kind of person who love to live in my own world when there is stress. Reading, chasing series, driving or sleeping are the ways for me to run away. But these never help to solve the problems. At last, I still need to encounter it. Just like this moment....

Thank God, for being the One I can turn to. You are always my shelter in times of hardship and stress. Lord, no matter how hard I try not to think about or facing it, the problems are still there. Everything are not in my control and I couldnt do anything on my side. I hate this situation. Only You Lord can solve it, You can change people mind, You are the source of wisdom, strength and miraculous. I have no idea what can I do besides surrender to You. 

Lord, I need rest and peace. I'm tired and weary. Grant me wisdom, favourism, strength and courage to carry on. I know all these are on the way. In You, I found victory over stress, victory over every problems....

I'm the righteousness of God in Christ. Hence all the good things will circular in my life.

I'm the beloved Child of God, cross is the demostration of His love. Surely I can fully truss Him and all my worries are His too.

Lord, thanks for Your unmerited favour and love. I know everything is in Your control and You will take care of it., because You love me.

I pray these in Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, March 21, 2011

money change character

At once I was angry and shocked with bribery and corruption in my working place.The most shocking is management was the one who involved. It seem happen anywhere and it doesnt matter where I work. Sadly I have numb with it though it just my 18 months in working life.

Two days ago, Jk told me the "devils" had took over the company. To many people, this "devils" are angels. Once i was deceived by them too. Only those were in same department would know how wicked is them.

As along as it involved human and money, bribery and politic is a common thing to happen. I guess I should encounter these wisely rather than run away or being angry. 

Lord, I need wisdom to deal with these people and circumstances. Cover me with Your precious blood so that none of them would ever able to trap me in their wicked scheme. Lord, You are the maker of heaven and earth, source of all blessing, health and prosperity. Your grace and love have ensure me that my life is full with all Your blessing, health and prosperity. There will be no means for me to get prosperity by bribing. Thanks for this assurance. 
I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen !

Sunday, March 13, 2011

deep nite

What more is better than to listen soft music with red wine ? Enjoying quietness in deep night. This is the best time for reflection, counting His goodness, to plan...

 Lord, I may have a lot of plans, but You are the green light to all these plans. Thank You

Good nite Lord

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reign over death

Today scripture was taken from Romans 5:17

17For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ…

The one man's offense death is referred to Adam. The sin of Adam bring physical death and spiritual death. Besides physical and spiritual death, there are a few manifestation of death. These included weakness, powerless, tiredness, sickness and illness. 

By the promises of God, we as His children are no longer in the bondage of death. Instead we are called to reign. The more we believe in His grace, undeserved favor, and the more we believe we are righteous by His deeds and not by our good behaviour, the more we will reign over all forms of death.

Lord, thank you for establishing a new covenant with me. Under Your grace, I found no condemnation but full of Your love and righteousness. From this moment onwards, I will reign over all forms of death. This reign take place not because of my good deed but by Your blood. In You, I found righteousness. Hence all the good things will circulating in my life and victories will be at my side. Thank You for lifting me high. In Jesus' name. Amen !