jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Exasperated by a brother...

This evening i angry with Hendrix due to his altitude. He and Jacob sudden came in my room and talked like a gangster. Due to his decision without inform us, each of us have to paid fifty two bucks. And now he came to my room and point the mistake to me and yeeting. I never met a friend like that. I dont mind to pay the amount but i really cant stand the way he talk to me. Few times i tried to smile with him when we saw each other ath school, sms him like i treat other coursemate and friends. But today onwards i wont do it again. This is my first time i so angry with a friend till i delete his contact number in my handset. After he left my house Jacob ask me not to angry and not to tell yeeting all about the conversation content between Hendrix and mine. I knew it was a wise way to do so in order to reduce their anger to each other. It was so hard for me not to said a single negative word of Hendrix. Because as i talk about hendrix's message with yeeting, it remind me his childish act. However after an hour i manage to calm down myself by a call from my mum. During the convesation with mum, something wake me up that why should i angry with this man? He is not worthy and not important in my live. He is not my family member and why should i angry and felt sad. I decided not to talk and forget this person. Next time as we see each other, he will be a stranger to me.
Sorry Lord.