jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Friend who can feel my heartbeats

What's an emo night. It this due to my accutane treatment, my performance in new job, previous broken relationship or ....i really dont know. I just know my wall is getting higher and thicker. And i just couldnt stop it. Sometime feel kind of lonely as i have not much friends in penang who i can fit in. It's totally different wavelength. Any how, I love it. Maybe i was born like this, i enjoy to spend time with myself. No sms, no call, no in front of notebook..chasing after long as i got internet access, i just dont border anyone. I know it is unhealthy, but i just enjoy it so much. It's my comfort zone. 

Got to be balanced! Time to match out from my selfish world.
Lord, thank you for being the friend I can share with.