jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A year filled with God's goodness

Shiok Sendiri Posting :p
2011 is a tough year to my family and career. I still remember I had my very first day of 2011 in hospital. After a month of my op, my dad's turn. All of sudden, he enter hospital due to mild stroke. Later on my mum's turn. While I thought all the bad things were away from my family, mum told us that she wish to divorce with dad. They quarrel and the situation seem like no turning point. And then my career crisis. 

Well, it might start with all bad things but my God end my year with his goodness. I thank God for preserving my life. I never plan to do a check up in hospital and had an operation. My cysts burst. Doctor said I might lost my life once those toxic fluid circular through out my body. The op just happened on time. 

Besides me, dad become the first mild stroke patient in Island Hospital to be healed in the shortest time. It only took two months for dad to gain back his 95% energy. I remember while his in hospital, he can't even talk and walk. Carry a pillow is an impossible mission to him. According to doctor, such condition need a least six to eight months to recover. In the second weeks, a pastor came to my house and pray for dad. Dad have a very good sleep on that night. Before pastor leave, he told David that dad will be healed on the very second day. No one take this word seriously. On the second day early morning, I heard dad crying. He manage to carry a pillow and walk slowly without a support. This is my second time seeing dad cry. From that days onward, we can see God healing hand upon dad. And now he can drive, carry heavy stuff, hiking etc. 

Dad cut down his work load after the stroke. To our amaze, his business profit increase amazingly.I start to understand while God want us to rest. Because at the moment we rest, God work for us. He provide beyond our needs. Thanks

Mum's leg healed without op. She can even walk longer than me and Nikki while we were in Hong Kong. We were so worry about mum condition that she can't walk too much hence I cut down a lot of places to be visited in Hong Kong. End up me and Nikki cried as our leg sprain and tired. Mum's feel nothing! funny.

Dad and mum issue resolved. After the incident, our family are closer to each other. I can see dad changing, he cares about this family more than I expected. While mum suffer for depression, he is the one who stay beside her. The act of love touch me and I really salute dad for his patience, commitment, responsibility and love toward us. 

While I wonder about my work, seeking answer am I suitable in sales line, God open another door for me. The reason I choose to stay in sales is because I able to meet up different people and opportunity. My new job scope are slightly similar to sales but can stay away from all dirty money and lying.

Lord thank you. What can I say about all these ?

A year filled with God's goodness :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The stone manger

We are probably familiar with the story of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem. The Bible says that when the time had come, Mary “brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger”. (Luke 2:6–7) But have we ever wondered why the angel told the shepherds that the Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger was a “sign”?

Like most of us I grew up seeing Christmas cards of Jesus “asleep on the hay” in a wooden manger. Wooden legs in the shape of a large X with the bed a wooded-sided V. Is it possible Jesus’ manger was wooden? I think so. Is it likely? I think not.
Wood as a commodity for things like mangers, tables, etc. was rare in Galilee. The word teknon used for Joseph’s and Jesus’ occupation in Matthew 13:35 and Mark 6:3 is a matter of debate. (We get our word “technical” from this term.) Were these men “carpenters” or “stone masons”? Because the greater Nazareth area is not a forested area, but has many stone quarries, it is most likely Joseph and Jesus worked with stone, not with wood.
Stone mangers, troughs to feed animals, were common in Israel in the 1st century. When Mary wrapped her newborn son in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, he was in a solid, secure structure - a stone manger !
But why was that a sign? Because if we have seen the empty tomb of Jesus at a place called The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem, we would have noticed that the place where His body was laid, inside a tomb hewn out of rock, resembles a stone trough. The Bible says that after Jesus’ crucifixion and death, Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus’ body, wrapped it in linen and laid it in a tomb hewn out of a rock. (Mark 15:43–46)
Yea! There is the similarities, right? Wrapped in swaddling cloths and laid in a manger, baby Jesus would one day be wrapped in linen and laid in a tomb. That was the sign the angel was referring to. It pointed to Jesus’ death.
Jesus was the only child in all of humanity born to die. Once I realize that, I realize how much God loves me. Yahweh gave up His Son for that one purpose, and that His Son willingly came for that one purpose — to die for your sins and mine.
I can never imagine living a life knowing that I am just qualifying myself to die on the cross to save the world! How about you? And that was the life that Jesus lived. He lived to die, so that we might live and enjoy life abundantly today!
Quoted from Joseph Prince's daily devotion.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

We are the reason

A sister taught me one of the way to refresh myself about Jesus' love by watching The Passion. Ha..indeed, it works! This year Christmas, I'm kind of look forward. No other special reason to make me think like that. Just simply hopes that it will be a meaningful celebration. Not so about carolling, gifts or party, just a session to remind myself the reason Yahweh sent His only Son, Jesus to this world 2000 years ago- the most and ever perfect Christmas Gift from God.

We are the reason that He gave His life. How wonderful is this love. So unbelievable and yet it is so true. 

Dear Lord, thank you for this Gift.

edited by my bro..good job Daniel.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lord I'm amazed

Noah's ark, Ma Wan Island, HK
I think life is not easy but it will be wonderful if we knew that how much He loves us. Tomorrow will be a stressful day to me if I don't know about Jesus' love. I thank God for always being the one who I can look for when I need. It's His love grant me from an anxious Sabbath to a restful day. 

Is a wonderful thing to find out how much Jesus' love me. He cares about every single details in my life, my feeling, my thought, my needs, my success even my friends. How deep and how wide is His love for me. And Lord, I'm amazed by You. The King of kings sing all around me, dance over me. 

It is because His love and cares that give me this confident by fully surrender tomorrow meeting to my heavenly daddy. He cares what I cares. Hence I have the confident to expect tomorrow meeting will only benefit me in regardless what is the outcome. Whatever circumstances, Lord teach me to stand on Your word and promises only. Lord, as You said You are the way, the truth and the life. And the truth shall set me free. The truth is You love me and this shall set me free from stress, restless, anxious, every wicked scheme and lies of Satan. 

Lord, as long as You are with me, I am a successful person. It is regardless my position, my academic qualification, my performance and any poison injected by the wicked person to management. Lord, I thank you success is not about how good I'm but how powerful is Your word. As I'm the heir of Abraham, the same success of life that You gave to Joseph will manifested in my life as well. 

I believe tomorrow night I will have the new ingredient to blog about how You bring me through the day :)
Thank for this agape love, You never stop to love me even though I fall.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Abraham vs Lot 1

Un-intentionally I was exposed much in the differences between Abraham and Lot. All were happen within 2 weeks, be it Sunday sermon or devotion. Maybe this is something God wants to tell me?! I guess so because I feel like standing on the ground of Lot instead of Abraham.

Abraham and Lot, both were righteous in God's eye. However both of them had a huge different ending! In Genesis 13: 8-15 

"So Abram said to Lot, “Please let there be no strife between you and me, nor between my herdsmen and your herdsmen, for we are brothers. 9“Is not the whole land before you? Please separate from me; if to the left, then I will go to the right; or if to the right, then I will go to the left.” 10Lot lifted up his eyes and saw all the valley of the Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere—this was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah—like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt as you go to Zoar. 11So Lot chose for himself all the valley of the Jordan, and Lot journeyed eastward. Thus they separated from each other. 12Abram settled in the land of Canaan, while Lot settled in the cities of the valley, and moved his tents as far as Sodom. 13Now the men of Sodom were wicked exceedingly and sinners against the LORD." 

In the context, it shows how Abraham, the father of faith casting his trust in God. He knew God is with him and he knew his position in God's eye. Hence he can be so confident to ask Lot to choose the land. Only the man who is secure in God's love, able to be so confident to say so. He knew God is going to bless him regardless where he is. He trust God rather than his own eye or wisdom. 

The passage speaks to me that regardless which company i work with or my role as sales engineer, God is going to bless me because I'm His beloved daughter, which is my position in God's eye. 

Monday, September 26, 2011


Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. Mark 11:24

God's word is powerful. A verse in scripture or just a word is more than enough to change the situation. 

Lord, I pray for sizeable projects to be closed by me within a month. I believe from this second onwards, You have gave me the sales of PDC and Ideal. And now, I shall rest in peace and next blog will speak about Your mighty works.

I asked this in Jesus' name. Amen !

Daddy, good night

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The intimate relationship save me

After two months of cleaning and painting, this is my first time doing quite time with God in this house. Standing at balcony, enjoying the seaview, sunshine and breezing , I know this is something I desires for all these while. But am I happy with all these? All of sudden, I wonder. My heart is heavy.

Maybe this is due to my career. Frankly speaking, I'm tired and weary with all these wolfs. Is this what I need to encounter if I choose to stay in sales line? or is it because the country I live in? Even the politicians doing the same thing. I wonder is there any future in Malaysia if we continue tend to be ignorant. Rise up, Malaysian!!

I was told construction field in Malaysia is always "dirty". I thought I'm ready and bold enough to face it. But it seem like I over confident. Human will tend to fall when he/she lost the intimacy with God. From disagree to compromise and then give in. I think I in the boundary between compromise and give in. 

Sometime I wonder if I give in, maybe I will able to own another house and car. No need to struggle so much. But can I sleep in peace? Is Jesus is more precious than those things? Maybe this is the thing that hold me back. Maybe...But how long does this fact able to hold me? 

Surely, only when my relationship with God is intimate. Thank God today scripture, Psalm 103.

1 Praise the LORD, my soul;    
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
 2 Praise the LORD, my soul,    
and forget not all his benefits—
 3 who forgives all your sins   
 and heals all your diseases, 
4 who redeems your life from the pit    
and crowns you with love and compassion, 
5 who satisfies your desires with good things 
   so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
 6 The LORD works righteousness 
   and justice for all the oppressed.
 7 He made known his ways to Moses,    
his deeds to the people of Israel:
 8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious,   
 slow to anger, abounding in love. 
9 He will not always accuse,    
nor will he harbor his anger forever; 
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve    
or repay us according to our iniquities.
 11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,    
so great is his love for those who fear him; 
12 as far as the east is from the west, 
   so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
 13 As a father has compassion on his children,    
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
 14 for he knows how we are formed,   
 he remembers that we are dust. 
15 The life of mortals is like grass,   
they flourish like a flower of the field; 
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,   
 and its place remembers it no more.
 17 But from everlasting to everlasting   
 the LORD’s love is with those who fear him,    
and his righteousness with their children’s children—
 18 with those who keep his covenant 
   and remember to obey his precepts.
 19 The LORD has established his throne in heaven, 
   and his kingdom rules over all.
 20 Praise the LORD, you his angels,    
you mighty ones who do his bidding,    
who obey his word.
 21 Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts,    
you his servants who do his will. 
22 Praise the LORD, all his works 
   everywhere in his dominion.
   Praise the LORD, my soul.

The Lord's love is with those who fear Him, He who satisfies my desires with good things. His love grant me the confidence to live in His way. His love ensure me that He will take care all my needs and desires. My second house shall not come by satanic ways but His blessing.

I guess knowing His love and experiencing His love is totally a different thingy. The intimacy with God is the only way to experiencing His love.

Friday, September 23, 2011

not by satanic way !

" No one will ever satisfied with his income". and then he continue with these statements.- even if you work in corporate world, you can still have your own business. If you asking about beneficial interest, it is depend on how you see the thing. For example, I can own a company and fully run by my wife. I can become the one at the back stage and everything still is in my control. Sometime, you don't need to let your boss know everything.

I knew he is starring at me, observing my respond toward those statement. He was hinting me. Scary. How well can I hide in front of the "old fox"? He was testing whether we are in the same direction. In order to save myself, I give him a positive respond. 

After Joyce tender, I feel so lonely. She is the only person I can trust to. I salute her courage. She refuse  to walk the same direction with the "old fox". I guess he had gave her more than three times changes. And this is her ending. "Old fox" denied all her hard work in front of Vice President. He never gave her the changes to perform in the first place. Is VP blind as well? He knew this "old fox" did bribe, but somehow or rather he close his eye. Is he one of "old fox" new company partner? I wonder. 

Since when he became someone who are more powerful than God? Tan Sze-Lyn!! Wake up! This is a trick! You shouldn't be discourage or fearful. God is in front of you. He cares your career and financial. Indeed He is the provider of everything I need and He knew my desires. God is going to bless my financial. I will be rich by godly ways, effortless, and not by manipulating, human efforts, or satanic ways! Amen!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thank God for a wonderful sister

Finally the wedding is over. Kind of "empty" honestly. Maybe the wedding is something I look forward for the past one year. So called long awaited wedding and also a big gathering with those friends. Well, during the past few days, I able to spend a very good time with a dear sis, Ewei. Another beautiful princess of God. Her eye can "kill"! She has a very beautiful eyes.

I remember we knew each other through a christian concert preparation. The first impression to her was "senior". I mean she looks like what a senior suppose to look like. Honestly I kind of scare of her as she seem serious. We don't have much contact during the preparation. Later we met in PBBC for a bible course. If not mistaken, there were only two girls joining the group. To my surprise, she is not as cool as she looks like. She knows how to smile and she can speak mandarin though she is a "banana". From that day onwards, I try to know her more, text her during her birthday.. and again to my surprise, a simple wishes text can make her so happy. 

I can't remember since when I din't treat her as my senior but a friend or a junior. I become the one who like to tease her and "bully" her. So fun to treat a senior as my junior. The funny part was she always be the one who taking care of me, that's the time I will see her a my big sister. Anyway, I thank God for giving me an opportunity to serve in CF. Though this, I able to know Lia and her, wonderful sisters.

Well, we seldom share about our life until she graduate. It was because she spent most of her time with her buddy and I spent most of my time with Lia. The situation change after her graduation. I receive an email from her. I guess she needs a spiritual partner as her buddy is a non believer. We share more this time. 

I'm glad that even until now, we are still able to share through phone though we are so far apart. She always be the one who encourages me especially during the fight between mum and dad. At that moment, I was so ready to accept the fact- divorce. Thank God for sending her when I have no one to turn to. The love, care and those encouragement book and CDs all the way from Singapore really touch me. Through the sermon CDs, mum changes! God has redeemed the marriage. Praise the Lord !!

The feeling of praying for her life partner getting stronger right after the wedding. Heartache as I see her travel every weekend to Sarawak due to her brother health. 

Lord. You love her more than anyone in the world. You know her struggles and You do feel the same as she feel. It is because of your unfailing love and finished work,we can see the healing is in the progress. Soon, Ewei's brother will be complete healed and even healthier than ever before. During the healing, Lord~ grant Ewei and her family strength, patience, understanding, good health, "bird economy" and hope. Bound them with Your great love where they will never feel weary and tired.

Lord, the Match Maker,  I ask for a kind, gentle, humble, thoughtful. mature and belong to the same faith guy as Ewei life partner. I pray he will be the one who able to lead and take care Ewei and her family. Besides, he always place Ewei as his priority, cherish her, respect her and love her with all his heart. The relationship will be the blessing to people around them and even their family. If Ewei really decide to choose striking purple as her wedding theme, Lord, grant me a gorgeous striking purple dress. I asked these in Jesus' name. Amen!

Monday, August 22, 2011


28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”   Matthew 11:28-30

It always warm my heart when I read this. Again, it reminds me that Jesus cares. He cares all my struggles, difficulties and worries. Not only cares, He feels the same as I am. 

Who am I ? What so special about me? That He, the King of Kings would spend His precious time to listen, to care and to comfort me.

I was truly weary and burden for the past few weeks, maybe more than that...and I don't even want to think or spend a little bit time to discuss with God. I know I should but I'm just too tired. Anyway, I should not use tired as an excuse. 

The only time I pray is when I heading to office every morning. And I just took less than 10 minutes each time. Sometime less. Well, a simple prayer work. He do listen and He answered! You have touch my heart, Lord.

Thanks Lord, In You I shall rest even there are many issue/decision yet to be solved and make. Not only so, as You promise. all my burdens will be taken well by You. The only thing I need to do is to rest, follow Your leading and flow with You. And I will find all things fall into place. Free from distress, worry and anxiety. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dusa Dua Water Blow

After went through all the pictures, I shall rank this as the best "cover Page". Well, kind of lazy to write more about Bali but I guess picture will speak how beautiful and creative is our God. He is the best architect, making this place so nice. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bali Trip Day 2 - Coffee Farm

Coffee Luwak
Before we reached, Wayan gave us some brief introduction of Coffee Luwak. After knowing the ingredient of Coffee Luwak, it spoil my appetite.
Roasted Coffee Bean
Civet Cat's " shit bean"
Yup, Coffee Luwak is made by coffee bean and shit ! That's why it name Coffee Luwak where Luwak is a local term for Civet Cat.
Flying coffee bean
Two sets of drinks were served by owner and it is free ! The only thing to pay is coffee Luwak. To those who love thick coffee, can give a try.

Bali Trip Day 2 - Holy Spring Water Temple

Holy Spring Water Temple cover page:p
Early in the morning, Jinny and Aaron asked all of us to bring extra clother and underwear. Everyone do so without asking reason. At first I was wondering are we going to waterfall ? But from our itinerary, there were only temples visit. Until we reached Holy Spring Water Temple, then only I understand. Jinny and Aaron thought we might jump into the pool and have fun in the pool. They presume the pool like normal swimming pool or waterfall. Sweat !! 
Holy Pool
Haha..Before Aaron get himself ready to jump into pool, he was stunned by Wayan's words. Whoever wish to jump into pool to bath, he/she needs to pray first. Funny Aaron.
Wayan is not only a helpful tour guide but also  photographer
a family worshipping "bersih" statue :p
Recently all Malaysian are banned to wear yellow due to "bersih" protest on 9th of July. As I saw this statue, I can only said even the statue also speak for all Malaysian. 
I guess the little girl will hate me when she grow up..haha
The priest pouring some holy drinking water to the worshippers
right after the holy water offering ceremony
Admire their way to carry stuff
Taman Suci - Holy Garden
All the temple entrance gate is the most holiest place. The main function of the gate is to block all the evil one enter the entire of temple. 
cool huh?!

Bali Trip Day 2 - Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave)

It took about 15 minutes drive from Jati Home Stay to Goa Gajah. Well I'm not a temple person, in fact I don't really like those statues. But for the sake of my dearest friends, here am I.
Ermm..After a while, herewith Jinny and mine comment to this temple - the elephant statue itself look more scary and evil rather then offer protection to his people. 
Nothing much in the cave, besides an altar. One of the local trying make fun with us by silent sitting in the cave to let us take picture. 
Rectangular Pool in the middle of Temple compound
Thousand years tree
According to our tour guide, Wayan, many of evil spirits love to hang around with this tree. He had an experience before. One of his european client took picture at the thousand tress root and to their surprise they saw a white up side down evil face in the digital camera. He too shared with that if anyone spend whole night silent sitting under this tree, without disturb by the evil one, the elephant god may let their dream come true. 

Thank God, my dear Jesus never ask me to sit under an evil tree in order to get Him answes my prayer. What I need to do is to asked in Jesus' name and it will be given by God. How lovely is my heavenly daddy.

Besides the thousand tree, there too a spot where Wayan told us that those who has six sense will able to see a different world in that spot. Sweat ! 
Haiz..I really don't like this freaky temple. The only thing I spend most of the time is this hall. Not the statue but the timber trusses. Truss spacing should be around 500mm and batten spacing 300mm, I guess.

Bali Trip Day 1

Waiting to board
We arrived Denpasar Airport at about 9 in the evening. From there Mr Deva, Jati Home Stay owner pick us and brought us to Ubud. Well, first impression to this island is statue. Along the way, there are thousand of statues beside the road. 
Quick dinner
Since we were too hungry and all the shops in Ubud close at 9pm, Mr Deva brought us to his friend restaurant in Kuta. Local food here are not cheap. Maybe they knew we are foreigner, that's why they simply charge. Frankly speaking, this "Bu Tinuk" not really nice. 
Two rooms booked via online
It took one hour drive from Kuta to Ubud. Along the way, Mr Deva introduce about himself and Bali economic. Then only we know their petrol, imported car, etc are much cheaper than in our country. We are one of Oil & Gas producer in the world, so to speak !!

Finally we arrived Jati Home Stay which located in Ubud town. 
Gal's room
Each room can accommodate up to three persons. To our surprise, it only cost RM 35 per person. Everything is good beside too much statues. I don't really appreciate all these statues as it really flighten me. Hence the first thing we did is to sanctify the room with the name of Jesus. 

Open air living room
Balinase style home stay
Ubud is a quite town at night. All shops are closed after 9pm. The only place to buy our supper is Mini Mart, which is beside Jati Home Stay.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bali Trip

After months of planning, here we are, Bali !! Rachel and James could't get their leave hence we are the only five " shiok sendiri" ambassadors sent by God' Kingdom. Haha

Day 1
1430 - 1755 Meeting up KL gang at KL Sentral and then to LCCT
1755 - 2100 Flying with AirAsia and arrived Denpasar Airport
2100 - 2230 Quick dinner in Kuta
2230 - 2330 Arrived Jati Home Stay, Ubud

0800 - 0900 Breakfast
Jati Home Stay Breakfast-Egg Toast 
0900 - 1000 Goa Gajah, Entrance Fee: Rp 15k
1000 - 1100 Holy Spring Temple, Entrance Fee: Rp 15k
1100 - 1200 Coffee Farm
1200 - 1420 Lunch at Kintamani Volcano ( Rp 96.8k per pax)

1420 - 1515 Tegallalang Rice Terrace
1515 - 1545 Royal Cremation Preparation, Ubud town
Royal Cremation Temple - So happen King's mum passed away
1545 - 1610 Hanging around Ubud town

1610 - 1840 Verona Spa

1840 - 2040 Dinner at Bebek Bengil, Dirty Duck

2040 - 2130 Back to Jati Home Stay and little surprise of Jeremy Big day

Day 3
0800 - 0900 Breakfast & Check-out
Mr Deva, the owner of Jati Home Stay.
0900 - 1045 Bargain in Ubud Market
Ubud wet market
1045 - 1300 Lunch at Andi Jaya Babi Guling

1300 - 1430 Pura Ulun Danu Bratan, Entrance Fee : Rp 10k

1430 - 1530 Taman Ayun Royal Temple, Entrance Fee : Rp 3k

1530 - 1830 Sunset at Tanah Lot, Entrance Fee: Rp 10k

1830 - 2100 Late Dinner in Kuta
2100 - 2230 Check in Tune Hotel and hanging around in Kuta

0900 - 1000 Quick breakfast in KFC !!
1000 - 1200 Beach + Water Sport

1200 - 1340 Dusa Dua Water Blow + Lunch

1340 - 1540 Padang- Padang Beach

1540 - 1700 Uluwatu Cliff Temple, Entrance Fee : Rp 3k

1700 - 2000 Dinner at Jimbaran

2000 - 0100 Cheers up/ Bargain / Massage

Day 5
0100 - 0300 Choi Dai Dee again
0300 - 0600 Check out and boarding