jOuRNaL oF niC

To live the fullness of live

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

More and more

Lord unveil Your face
As I worship You
Reveal Your majesty
Touch my heart anew
Lord unveil my eyes
To see Your glorious truths
The love You give so free
Has drawn my heart to You

I can't help but love You more
When more and more I see
How much I mean to You, Jesus
I can't help but want You more
When more and more I see
Your goodness unto me
I fall in love with You more and more

Monday, November 26, 2012

Now all I see is Your lovely face

Joining EPCC kidz camp was not my initial plan. Indeed I never thought about it simply because I do not want to sacrifice 4 annual leaves to "work". It was three weeks before the camp that I actually decided to take up the role. 

Besides short of helpers, I found it as a time to escape from the world. A time out for myself because children are not as complicated as adult. Maybe this is the reason I felt condemned during the 4 days and also after the camp. 

My motive to serve is not sincere as compared with others. For the whole week I always has a mindset that surely God prefer others offering because they are more sincere. 

This morning service was awesome. Somehow I feel loved. Why I see God as a father who only love me and accept me based on my performance? Who am I ? Am I have this ability to earn God's love and blessing based on my performance? Can God's love and blessing be earned? It is by His grace I has the chance to serve and to worship Him. It is by His grace I'm accepted even when I fall. 

Regardless the motive of serving, Jesus still loves me. He was with me for the past whole week and He appreciate what I can give. Even though it is just a tiny offering. That's who my God is =) 

A wreath of thorns
Became Your crown
My curse was laid upon Your brow
Your wounds displayed for all to see
Your body torn to rescue me
My sins You’re faithful to forget
Because Your love and justice met
There at the cross upon that hill
Lord, You fulfilled the Father’s will
My stain of sin, Your blood erased
My life redeemed, Lord
By Your grace
Healed and restored in Your embrace
Now all I see is Your lovely face
Forevermore I will confess
You are my Lord, my righteousness
The One who died yet rose again
My God and King until the end
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah to You, my King
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah to You, my King
Words & music by Sean Goh
Copyright 2010 New Creation Church, Singapore

Monday, October 29, 2012

Jumping off

During Sunday Services, a picture of jumping off a pyramid just came across in my mind. Maybe too much "input" and I found no where to release that's why I long to do this jumping. I guess if I share this thought to anyone, people might think I'm just joking or insane. Of course I am not. The picture not just stop that. I saw Jesus embraced me when I was free in the air and the next second I soar under His wings. The sense of security. Thanks :)

I have no problem with how powerful is my God. However I always has the problem of is Jesus willing ? A sentence of " at the cross, He gave everything" really speak to me. He knows my needs and desires. If Jesus willing to give me His life, nothing is more valuable than this. Does my future and  needs are more valuable than His life? Of course not ! He is willing to care and to bless me. Yes. Tan Sze-Lyn, Jesus is more than willing. Relax...

Paying Priscilla a visit with Felicia in the evening. My first close friend gave birth. As I saw her, I was surprised with her attire. From a stylist girl become a typical mother look. No make up and dress up. So not her. As normal, she share about the delivery process, experience and the difficult life with mother in law. I salute her but in the same time i wonder. 

Are these all about the life ? Must all the women need to go through this process? I see nothing good in these. Maybe I'm not mature enough? Or maybe I just not that kind of person to live like that?  Hmm..sometime I also don't really know what I need. Only God knows. Ya, God is the right trustee whom I can trust.

Monday, October 22, 2012

That's How God loves

The story of Abraham's sacrifice of his son in Genesis 22 always told by many it is a test of God. Even in the Bible, the subtitle also stated " Abraham Tested". Most of the people including myself also thought God wants to test the love and faith of Abraham toward Him. When God gives Abraham a long waited son, He wants to test him? Last time I always thought why God so kiasu. If God scare of losing Abraham's love and faith then why He gave him a son? This sacrifice test really mean. 

The song of "blessed be Your Name...He gives and take away.." Does God really so mean?  He gives us  Issac (blessing) and later on He takes away just to test us how much we love Him? I still remember how I respond this situation in those days. - God, if You plan to take away and just to test how much I love You or my faith, then don't bless me in the first place. Because I always fail to love You.

Thank God for the revelation of this context. This scripture are not talk about how kiasu is our God, it is about how much God loves us. The whole context is a picture of Jesus and the scarification of the Only Son of God.

Abraham offered his only son (Gen. 22:2, 12).  >> God offered his only Son (John 3:16).

Isaac carried the wood for the sacrifice (Gen. 22:5).  >>Jesus carried the cross for the sacrifice (John 19:17).

Isaac cried out to his father (Gen. 22:7). >> Jesus cried out to His Father (Mtt. 27:46; Mark 15:34).

Isaac escaped death after three days (Gen. 22:4). >> Jesus rose from the dead on the third day (Mtt. 16:21;   Mark 16:2-4; Luke 9:22).

Abraham indicated God will provide a lamb for the sacrifice (Gen. 22:8). >>God provided Jesus as The Lamb for the sacrifice (Isa. 53:7; John 1:29, 36; Rev. 5:6+; 7:17+).

God provided a ram, a male sheep, as a substitutionary sacrifice (Gen. 22:13). >>God provided a male, Jesus, as a substitutionary sacrifice

The ram was caught by its horns (head) in a thicket (thorns) (Gen. 22:13). >>Jesus wore a crown of thorns on his head (Mtt. 27:29), a symbol of the sin He bore (Gen. 3:18)

Sacrifice offered at specific location on Mount Moriah (Gen. 22:2, 9). >>For hundreds of years, sacrifices would be offered from the same spot inside Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple (2Chr. 3:1). When Jesus is crucified outside the citywalls on the same mountain, the veil within the Temple is rent in two (Mark 15:38).

The ram was God’s provision (Gen. 22:13-14). >>Abraham prophetically named the place pointing to the crucifixion where God made the ultimate provision: the sacrifice of His Son for sin (Heb. 9:26-28).

God withholds Abraham from sacrifices his only beloved son but He never withholds His Only Son for us. That's the way God shows His love to mankind. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I knew about this short form from a book, most probably more than 5 years ago. Surprisingly until today only I realize this short form is based on a true story. It is a story about a couple who spent their entire married lives reminding one another that they love each other. I am amazed by this old couple who actually able to do it. Just wonder how they can make it? Anyway, it happens in real life. 

From the context, it clearly state the old couple are Christian. Maybe or I should say for sure they see Christ as the center of marriage. The most ideal marriage life. However how many christian couple able to do it ? It involve both party having the same perspective else it would be a tiring race.

Maybe I shouldn't use tired to describe the run since Jesus said " Come to me and I will give you rest". Run the race without feeling tired but relax. What happen if the race was not meant for me? That's why i feel so hard to penetrate the wall and it is really tiring. Lord, can I have an easier one ? As straight as runway? 

Haih, Lord, my strength is limited. I can't and I don't have this ability to penetrate it. Feel like letting go but I know this feeling only happen when I try to use my strength to do it. To have a restful run, I shouldn't withdraw the strength from another poor runner. The source of strength should be come from You. 

You have your own timing and I got to let You to take over. No matter how it ends, You always give Your best for me. It is simply because You love me. Amen !

Lord, supplier of strength, love and wisdom! I need You and I want to flow with You.

oklah Jesus, now is Your business, not mine. I want to sleep now. Good nite and "work hard" ya :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

The right captain

Lord, is another sleepless night. I know being an influential person in northern Lysaght is something i hope for all these while. However the expectation is really out out my expectation. It far beyond than I expect. Recently more and more distributors show their support to us. I know it is something to be glad about but in the same time it really stress me out. 

Everyone expect me to has this ability to take all the lead in the market, to use the technical knowledge as the tools to win most of the projects and to convert competitor's specification to my specification. Hello!! I'm not a magician neither a  right captain who is able to bring more sales for their company. 

I don't know how to do it and I lost my direction. Teach me and guide me. I know in You I can do all things. Please grant me the peace and faith to carry on. Lord, I want to experience of all the great things and promises that You have already plan for me. And from tonight onwards, I will have innumerous of good sleeps. Nothing will able to stop me from resting in You. The more I rest, the more of You taking over the whole ship. In Jesus' name, Amen !

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Cooling Nite

I guess the best thing to do on a Saturday cooling night is to staying away from everything. It is a time-out for people like me. Blogging and a glass of baileys with oldies. After blogging, it should end with a romantic or friendship slow movie. Wow! Jesus, I'm so blessed, thank you.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wine & Oldies nite

Lord, thank you :)

I have no idea how it works but You know it.

All I need to do is just pray and surrender.

You are the God who never fail me.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Love that lead me to thirst for him more

Dear Lord thank you for loving me even i failed to live up to Your standard. You will never love me more just because i spend time with you neither do you love me less just because i skip the quite time. It is because Your love are always overflow, no end, and limitless in whatever circumstances. This same unconditional and abundant love that lead me thirst for You and Your everything.

How i wish to worship You until the dawn. Telling the world that the all powerful, all glorious God is my heavenly father and He is so love in me.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sending Off

My heart was heavy since Saturday night. Time to say good bye to my beloved sister as she will be leaving to Argentina soon. Thank God that I manage to have a very quality time with her while she was in Penang for the past few days.

Sometime I wonder what so great about her that I actually cannot help myself to treat her like my family. A feeling like taking care of her though she does not need it at all. Maybe this is just an act of me to show how much I care about this sister.

Back to topic. What had she done that actually touch my heart. A short note of encouragement during my second year study week in PBBC. A box of chocolate and biscuit...

'Gal, are you free now?', 
"Yes, why ?' (It was almost 11pm at night)
"Can you please come down for a while ? I'm just in front of your gate"

At my house gate I saw a cool girl with her motorcycle. The next thing she ask " have you eaten?"
This is the regular question she love to ask me while I was in university. Simply because she knew that i was a choosy person and used to skip meal. 

After answer her question she pass me a green box. In the box I saw chocolate bars and biscuits. 
" I know you don't like to take proper meal, but at least take some chocolate. Don't get yourself hungry and please take care your gastric." 

I almost cry when I heard this. 

This is not the first time I send her to Sungai Nibong Bus Terminal. None of the sending off feeling is good. Always it end with tears. This time I kept reminding myself that we will be able to meet up again. There are numerous of sending off in future. Well my mission fail once we hug. 

Trying so hard to stop my tears until i leave the platform. 

Thank God her husband is Max. The man of God who love her wholeheartedly. 

Lord I'm going to miss her. Thank you for taking care this lovely couple whenever they are. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

First love lesson

I just can't believe that i actually dreaming about the break up. But this time everything seem so 'steady' and i know that i'm ready to move on. Probably due to the pervious sharing night, that's why it pop out? ! When Aaron ask me what is the reason we break up? Franky speaking i dont really remember what is the specific reason. The main reason is i feel tired when the same problem happen repeatly.

'We are from different up bringing, we do not have common topic..people said we are not compatible, do you think this relationship work? Or maybe we just remain as friend..' ' i thought we talk about these before we start?' 'Yes, but...', hey i'm sorry about my previous atitude towards these problem, please forgive me.'

The same problem happens again and again. I really salute myself that i able to go through from hurt, struggle to forgive and to pursuade myself to continue love him. It is not an easy task for me. A repeating hurts and 'recover' process really drive me from commit to play safe. It is like the feeling of taking a boat, the same storm never stop attacking and i just can't have a good rest in the boat. I don't find secure to commit. A highly self pride person like me will never share this anyone, more over him. That's my failure in this relationship. Hmm..First time in relationship, no experience.

The last time of this storm rise up again was when we broke out. Tired and surrender.

Sometime when i flash back about his last decision, i knew i should thank him. He had make the right decision which i don't think i able to do it. Everyone see him as the 'bad guy', this is the greatest sacrifice of love that he had ever done for me. Thanks.

I dont think i will able to speak out for him especially to those who knew him. A confession here is just good enough, right Lord?

Despite the unsteady part, he was a good man of God. Many might think that he is an ego person, but to my understanding of him, he did lack of self confident for some moments. There is another side of him when we came across to a serious talk. He was totally different of what normally people see him. Sometime i think the way he talk and act is just a way to cover his weakness.

Friend always thought that i was angry of him because he had make the desicion. Funny. No doubt it might be part of that, but the main reason is i angry him because of his selfishness. Even the broke out 'ceremony' and after the 'post' broke out relationship, i do not have the say about it. Right after the broke out we still chat every night. After share this un- healthy relationship with uncle chung chong, i found his advice quite true. We should stop this practice as it might create a false hope to anyone of us. I can't move on if i continue seeing him or chat with him. But again i never state this reason to him nor to anyone of his friends. He was totally disagree with my decision and thing become worst when i feel like he actually told everyone that i angry him because of his decision. Sometime i just feel like shout at him that i'm not Jinny. We are different. Leave me alone, give me some space and i will recover. Just that simple. Please give me a say about this.

I still remember at that moment the only person i can share with is ming zhong. The main reason is he is the only non- cf friend who i close with. I lost my trust to anyone from cf just simply because they might have this tendecy to share this very reason to him. Why were i so afraid to share this with him? Ya..i remember..Tan sze-lyn, you are a self pride person, you shall never let him know that you were hurt. So childish..haha

Funny as i refresh back all these. Why were i so care about this 'pride'? Tan Sze-Lyn,pride should'nt exist when it comes to love.

Lord, is this the reason You allow all these?

Did this experience change my life? Yes, it is .

From a trusting christian person to trusting God.
Only Jesus will never fail us.
Do not put our trust, hope and expectation to our life partner but to God.
Never jump into relationship if we expecting he/she to fill in the our emptyness, lonelyness, security and love.
Let Jesus be our provider and we will always have more than enough to give and to love.
Never try to change a character but pray. Only God can change the impossible to possible.

Wonder how will i feel when i read this post after 30 years? Haha..cannot imagine.

Will this is the last post about this relationship? I guess so. The very last post about my first experience in life.

Thank God for this experience. I believe this experience will benefit my next relationship.

Time to move on completely..
posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Lia always ask why am i so shy with her..i really don't know and I wish I could..

Maybe i'm a typical aquarius woman. Cold, detach,distant and shy to have intimacy with anyone in this earth even with my family?!

Lord, thank you for being the only one i can share my real feeling and thoughts.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Lavish Love of God

The understanding, experience and feeling of being love by God is so awesome ! No words or music can describe about this.
This lavish love is so amazing!  And I just want to lift up my hand and voice as loud as possible.  Forever praise Him. Unceasingly singing about His goodness.

Hosanna ! Hosanna ! Hosanna ! 

I sing hosanna, I sing hosannaYour selfless love reversed my shameI sing hosanna, I sing hosannaSalvation’s gift is mine to claim

I'm held by Your love 
Cherished by You, Lord 
Treasured in Your sight
So close to Your heart
Held firm in Your hands 

Righteous and bold I come to You
Solely because You gave
Your life for mine upon that cross
Love made you take my place
Now Jesus, Your name I praise

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rested in Him

Life can be so simple by just resting in Him. No whatsapp, fb, series, etc. All we need to do is just meditate the flow of the music and REST. Let God take care the others.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The greatest love of all is mine


Here I stand, Knowing I'm Your desire
Sanctified by glory and fire

Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine
Since You laid down Your Live
The greatest sacrifice

Singing ~Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed, but alive in Your hands

Singing ~Majesty, Majesty
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of our Majesty ...

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for desiring me !

I just wish to record down this moment..

The most beautiful moment in my life. 

This beauty is beyond what I can describe in words. 

It happens whenever I'm reminded Your love never fail even though I fall. 

The greatest love of all.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Urban Street Sleeper 2.0

During our second mission of visiting the homeless, I met three aunties at Komtar bus station. It was around 1.00 am morning and I was a surprise to see them still hanging around Komtar to collect empty aluminium cans. These aunties are old enough to be my grandmother. 

One of them actually beg food from me. She requested two package of rice because her room mate who is older than her cannot walk. The room mate is sleeping and she is also one of aluminium can collector. Although they are not street sleeper but they spend all their time at streets. 

As they share with me how much they need to pay for a small room rental, it shock me. Only RM 170 ! So cheap. But then, to them is a huge amount. Their income are only merely enough for rental. If there is left over, they will keep it for next month. Only RM85 per person, what's the big deal?! We spend almost RM85 for buffet and these people actually struggle for whole month. At these age, staying in a small room, collecting empty cans and used paper as their only income. It is sad to see this. 

I'm grateful as my God's provision is beyond than my need. My condo have another two empty rooms with nice sea view. While some people found no place to sleep and sleep at street, Nikki and I 'struggle' which house should we overnight. Though all houses are flat and condos, but compare to them, we are so blessed. 

Lord, thank you for giving me such a beautiful parent. They might not very rich, but they are good enough as my parent. Papa and mum spend all their time to educate us and to provide our daily needs. Thanks ! It was wonderful to know these aunties. I pray the same love and provision of You will overflow in their life as well. By the power of Your blood, break the curse and no more condemnation. Grant them good health, joyful life and a new mind which acknowledge You as their only heavenly father. Pray this in Jesus' name. Amen !

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bersih 3.0 - 428

428 is a historical day to Malaysian and also to myself. That very day is my first protest in life. Time is very precious to me. Those days I would rather spend time doing nothing than attending any political rally/protest. To me, only those have too much time will protest. 

I remember a poem with title" Malaysia, tanahair ku" in primary school, it describe the love of Malaysia by a poet. I don't understand what make the poet loves the country so much. I never love Malaysia. Simply because I do not feel belong to Malaysia. I believe most of Malaysian, especial Chinese has a dream of migrating to other country. I myself was the first one to raise hand when someone ask about this. Since I am a Malaysia ' second class ' citizen, why should I not migrate to other country as their second class citizen where they have better infrastructure, greener environment to live, better education and job opportunity than Malaysia?
When we were kids, Nikki and me always "cursing" Tunku Abdul Rahman, the Father of Malaysia. Why this Tunku so busybody, got nothing better to do is it?  Fight for independence?! Why people rejoice for this? What is the need to fight for independence? Is there any difference after independence? Maybe to some of the people it do but we don't see nor feel it. After all, it is not a bad idea to let the British people rules the country. 

After Bersih 3.0, I deeply understand the reason of people protest. It is not because they are too free or got nothing better to do. It is the love that make them stood up. Love of parent to their children. Our decision and act will directly affect our children. The future of a country represent the future of our next generation. No one love to see their children become slave of other nation. Only those who truly love the country will protect his people from all the harms. They will use all their strength and heart to rules the country. Just like how a husband protect his wife and his children. I think the very reason Tunku fight for independence was because our ancestors had seen how British people, the colonizer took advantage of this land.

Though we are now an independent nation but our government use all their way to rob his people. They make no different with colonizer. Corruption, unfair, dirty, undemocratic election, injustice and  people lose their ownership in this land. It happen openly! To me, Bersih rally is just another form of fighting independence. I salute those who actually sacrifice their life for this 'independence'.

I cried when I saw 15 polices beating a reporter, more than three polices beating up a surrendered protester and many more. It is a shame to tell my children that this is the country we belong to. Government use our tax to feed a group of barbarians.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Jesus loves me

Jesus loves me this I know
From the Bible tell me so
Little one to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong
Yes Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus loves me
The Bible tell me so

That's my favourite song since I was a child and still my favourite song. Simple but it is so real.

Last Monday having a Penang food trip with a childhood friend, Felicia. We knew each other when we were 11. Well, 17 years old friend! Time flies !

While we were having chapati at little india, she share with me about her family problem. Both parent addicted in gambling, the only sister leave the home and hardly care about their parent. She has been struggle for years. Lately the only beloved grandma also passed away. Even though these happen since she was still a teenager, she never give up. She manage to complete her degree though at that point she facing financial crisis. I really salute her. 

During the dinner, one of our gang member, Jo told me there is a negative tumor in her mum stomach. Her mum might need to go through a high risk operation. Her mum might need to depend on machine after operation. This will cause her mum even more suffer than to die. One year ago, her dad just pass away. And now her mum. The only brother also addicted in gambling. He will only at home when he need money. Jo totally lost at this moment, the only thing she can do now is to buy whatever herba/ medicine which so called can heal cancer. 

At that moment, I'm grateful.

Dear Lord, grant me courage and wisdom to share Your love with them. Telling them You love them as much as You love me. Thank you for loving me and my family. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Justice for All The story of Lim Guan Eng

That's Penang 4th Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng, the man of God.  

I never been so proud to tell the world who my chief minister is and he is the first one. 

He is the only Penang chief minister who is dare to fight for his people. 

Thank God for a righteous, wise and capable CM.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

What is 1 Malaysia really mean?

I'm always proud to spend my secondary school in a Kebangsaan Sekolah. In school, there was the only channel I able to make friends with Malay and Indian. They are not as "bad" as I thought when I was in chinese primary school. Some of them even became my good friends, we share, we laugh and we respect each other. 

I remember when my form teacher, who is a Malay pass away in an accident, we cried for days. We visited him when he was in ICU and we took the initiative to attend his funeral. We moan. Even now, some of us still feel the lost. And surprisingly is all my classmate were Chinese (majority) and Indian. No malays students! This is 1 Malaysia really mean. From this it prove that, only if we are willing to use our heart to know each other more, to respect each other, to understand and to accept the differences, races and religion can never be the wall to stop us from love and unity. 

My mum always said :" Not all the yellow skin (chinese) are good and not all the black ( non chinese ) are bad." I totally agree with this statement. And this statement only apply to my school friends where there was  no special treatment to any race. To those who I don't know, especially Malay, I always have negative perspective towards them. And the strange thing is I never have bad perspective toward other race, like Indian, Punjabis and etc. 

Later on I found out the main reason I don't like malay is because they are bumiputera. Due to bumiputera status, they have priority in many areas in Malaysia. One of it is Non-bumiputera has to study very very hard in order to get a place in public university. Government prepare a one year pre-university course (matrikulasi) for bumiputera, the syllabus is very slightly higher than SPM/O Level. Whereas non-bumiputera has to continue form six (A level). Pre-university is a passport to public university. Hence those who are from pre-university, they have the priority to get a place in public university first. After that then only for form six students. The worst thing is 90% quota of pre-university course seat is reserve for bumiputera. Scholarship also got bumiputera quota and it regardless on how good you score. You can only compete with your own race. You will not able to get scholarship even though you score better than bumiputera. 5-8% rebate on property for bumiputera, government projects only award to bumiputera company and many many more.

All these priorities are set by our "beloved" government ! These priorities are the element that break the unity secretly and indirectly. Non-bumiputera never want a better treatment from government, all we ask is a fair treatment. Just like Singapore government. Never judge base on colour but base on performance ! 

This is 1 Malaysia ? What a contradict slogan?! How can you call us your sibling when you actually treat us as "second class" citizen, a foreigner or a bastard ? 

Maybe this is time to change government ! Even US has black guy president, why can't we have chinese or indian or punjabis or other races as PM? We need a capable and righteous PM, not a slogan maker idiot !

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Matthew 3: 1-12

The bread of Life

The Preaching of John the Baptist

1 Now in those days John the Baptist camepreaching in the wilderness of Judeasaying2"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." 3 For this is the one referred to by Isaiah the prophet when he said, "THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, 'MAKE READY THE WAY OF THE LORDMAKE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT !' " 4 Now John himself had garment of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist ; and his food was locusts and wild honey5 Then Jerusalem was going out to him, and all Judea and all the district around the Jordan ; 6 and they were being baptized by him in the Jordan River, as they confessed their sins7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers,who warned you to flee from the wrath to come ? 8 "Therefore bear fruit in keeping withrepentance ; 9 and do not suppose that you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham for our father '; for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children to Abraham10"The axe is already laid at the root of the trees ; therefore every tree that does not bear good fruitis cut down and thrown into the fire11 "As for me, baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals ; He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire12 "His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor ; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff withunquenchable fire."

The first "Baptist" show in bible is at Matthew 3:1. Is Baptist a new ritual practice in New Testament? 

Refer to a few relevant contexts in New Testament , it shows that baptism did take place in Old testament. And from the finding, we can say Baptism = Circumcision. And we know that circumcision is actually a type of practise to represent the Covenant between God and Abraham. This means that once we were baptised via holy spirit and water, we do inherit the Covenant! The best contract in the world!  What a great news when I found out this. Every single word in Bible represent the promise and goodness of God. Lord, thanks for showing me this promise. 

Why the Gospels mention that John the baptist wearing camel's hair garment? Refer to 2 Kings 1:8 ,  this attire represent Elijah ( Malachi 4: 1-6), which shows the prophecy were fulfilled. But why John the Baptist denied himself as Elijah while actually Jesus said he is? Besides Jesus there too other verse in bible speaks that John the Baptist is the one who sent by God to prepare the hearts of men before Messiah. This is another long and deep discussion. Hmmm..

Any how, from the context again it confirm us the identity of Jesus. He is the long waited Messiah. My Saviour :)